The constant barking of a dog can become a nightmarish experience not for your family, but also for the neighbors and your guests. While barking by itself is a dog’s natural calling, nonstop or incessant barking could indicate serious problems that need specific remedies. Strong contender for most effective solution to the problem of the barking is the barking dog collar.
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The importance of knowing the psychology of the barking dog
As the caring owner of a loving companion pet it is advisable to examine and rule out the underlying physical reasons if any causing the frustration or irritability. Aggression in your dog could also have a genetic basis or breeding history, which you can read up on. More often it is simply the natural whining of a thirsty or hungry pet.
Remember that dogs are not loners. They too crave personal care, attention, and company. Barking may be its way of telling you it feels neglected or needs your attention.
A dog is best acquired when it is a puppy, when it is still impressionable, and you can train it exactly the way you want it to behave. Obedience training with a proper mix of toys, good food, and lavish rewards and appreciation can help better behaved canines.
But all this hard work and attention may not be enough to curb aggressive incessant barking. You may need tougher practical measures such as the barking dog collar.
Understand How to Stop Dog Barking
Here are a few examples oh why dogs bark and what you can do to stop dog barking:
Eliminate the cause: The most basic way how you can stop the excessive barking of your dog is by trying to discover the possible reason of its barking and then eliminating the cause. The most difficult task is to identify the reason of the dog barking. Once the reason is identified you can stop the barking effectively.
Have your dogs favorite treat within reach: This is another way of stopping a dog from excessive barking. The dog can be kept quiet by giving the dog its favorite food. Just when you tie the dog keep the most favorite treat of the dog within its vision so that it motivates him to keep quiet.
Wave a treat in front of the dog’s nose: This is another interesting way to make a dog quiet which works with almost all the dogs. All you have to do is just make the dog smell a favorite treat of it’s and it will be quiet in a moment. Just keep doing it immediately it starts barking. And finally feed him after 4 to 5 minute of being quiet.
Don’t keep the dog aloof: A big reason for dogs to bark excessively is loneliness. Try to keep the dog among you and don’t keep it aloof for a longer time. This bores the dog and it gets frustrated of the loneliness and start barking. Keeping the dog within you keeps the dog happy and makes it stay quiet.
Cuddle the dog: Cuddling the dog when it is barking often calms the dog down. The dog is a very sensible animal and they need more and more love. If you find your dog barking excessively just go near it and cuddle it softly. This will make the dog feel comfort and which in turn will relax the dog and keep it quiet. Love is always the best solution to control anger or violence.
It’s very important to understand the causes of barking. After you find the cause try to eliminate it prior to using bark collars or any other bark control devices in the market. See if the changes in environment makes any different to their barking behavior.
The most important thing is to be confident as your pet will feed of your energy. Don’t forget, too much love and care without any discipline or rules will not help you to stop dog barking.
Training Techniques To Stop Barking
Sometimes dogs bark whenever someone comes to the door and rings the door bell. If your dog does that then you will need someone else to help you with his training. Start by having your helper ring the door bell. Right on cue your dog will begin to bark. What you will do is to get your dog to lie down instead. preferably in his bed. Eventually he will know that whenever the door bell rings, he is to lie down on his bed.
In the event that you ever have any intruders, you do want your dog to alert you. However, when friends and family members come by for a visit, you don’t want your dog to be a nuisance by barking like crazy when they come to the door. You will want your friends to cooperate and ignore the barking when they come over. Let them know that you are training your dog not to bark and I am sure that they will gladly assist you in your training.
Initially, you will probably have to hold your dog away from your friends until he stops barking. Once it has stopped, you can then allow your friend to pet your dog and give him a treat. Eventually your dog will learn the proper way to behave when company comes to visit.
Give Your Dog Time and Attention
A lot of dogs bark because they are bored or they are looking to get some attention. You may have a dog that is indoors all day, so you want to make certain that you dog gets some time outdoors in order to run around and explore. Taking your dog for a walk or to the park to play fetch or play with other dogs or go someplace in the car is a good way to entertain and spend time with your dog.
Make sure that you set some time each day for some one on one time with your dog. By giving attention to your dog on a daily basis will help to stop your dog from barking because he is lonely. You really do not want to keep your dog tied outside all day. As dogs love to roam and explore their surroundings, a fenced in or enclosed area is much more preferable to having your dog tied all day. If tying your dog outside is your only option, you will need to exercise your dog several times a day.
Consistent Verbal Commands
When training your dog to stop barking, you will need to figure out the verbal command that you are going to use in the training and then use that command consistently. When you understand why your dog is barking, particularly if it is nuisance barking, you can then instruct your dog to stop barking. Once your dog stops barking you can then give him a reward.
There are a number of methods to stop dogs from barking. Since barking is a natural instinct for most breeds of dogs, it is not realistic to try to stop a dog from barking altogether. A dog’s barking can also serves a purpose, which is to warn you of intruders.
Other Types of Barking:
A dog on the other side of the fence barks and your dog responds in kind. It is your dog’s way of saying “It is I. I am here.” This should not be annoying unless it turns into a drawn out duet (or chorus, if more than two dogs are involved.) If it does get to the annoying stage it is time to distract your dog, perhaps with a short “Come! Sit! Stay!” session. When your dog is quiet, let’s say while sitting, praise your dog using “Good dog”, and “Quiet”, or whatever word you chose to use for a non-barking command.
Bark Collars
There are three types of bark collars in general use. Each produces a distraction whenever the dog wearing the collar barks. The first type emits a spray, typically citronella, that is generally pleasant for human beings but very unpleasant for dogs.
The second emits a very high frequency sound, audible to dogs but either barely audible or totally inaudible to people. The third type induces a sharp electrical shock. We do not encourage using this third type of bark collar. It is a good idea to consult with a veterinarian before using an anti-bark collar in order to stop your dog from barking.
We highly recommend that you use these bark collars only when you can be close by and immediately praise and reward your dog when he is quiet, reinforcing the “Quiet!” command. The problem with using a bark collar when you are not near enough to reinforce the desired behavior is that the scent source or batteries will run out and your dog will learn that if he barks long enough the stimulus will stop.
There is a reason why so many commands used in dog training are short and distinct. Come! Sit! Stay! Down! Off! Quiet! Fetch! No bark! A dog has a very short attention span and will lose your meaning after about two words.
It is also important that everyone who is or will be involved in modifying your dog’s behavior use the same commands for the same situations. For this reason we suggest that you write down all of the commands to be used so all can see and agree.
- Take the time to spend with your dog’s obedience training. You will find that a dog that is accustomed to following commands is a more relaxed dog and one whose annoying behaviors are much more easily corrected.
- Keep training sessions fun and exciting.
- See that your dog gets lots of exercise. A tired dog is much less likely to engage in undesirable behavior.
- Do not save praise and other rewards exclusively for “formal” training sessions. Any time your dog is engaged in desirable behavior is a good time to reward and reinforce the behavior.
- Remember that everyone who has regular contact with your dog must use the same terms and tone of voice and response to each and every incidence of undesirable behavior. Otherwise your dog will become confused.
- Do not engage in punishment more severe than “shunning” (i.e. ignoring) or a gentle reprimand. Physical punishment will only destroy the bond of trust that should exist between you and your dog.