There are many goldfish diseases, that our friendly and likeable pets can catch. Our pet fish are like any other living creatures, and are susceptible to falling ill from time to time. The biggest and best way to ensure that your wonderful fish are healthy is to make sure that their living environment is the best it can possibly be. If their water world is dirty and polluted, then they have a higher chance of getting sick.
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Some general goldfish diseases
I’m a big believer in preventative medicine, and I think we should use some of the same principles for our pets. The water in the tank needs to be changed regularly. Cleaning their water is easy. If you put this job off, you have to remember, you’re putting their health in jeopardy. You also need to use simple tools, like water conditioner, which removes excesses toxins from the water, a filter, aerator, and time.
Fin Rot
Goldfish fin rot is mainly caused when your pet fish are put under stress. This stress can come from many areas including: infrequent cleaning, not enough oxygen, strange conditions, overcrowding, and being handled too much. If whatever is causing the stress is stopped quickly your pet goldfish can quickly recover, before the disease does too much damage.
Goldfish ick, or ich, is a very common parasitic disease. It’s also known as White spot. This common name comes from being able to see very small white spots on your pet fish. Please examine your goldfish closely to see if you can see any of the signs that they have been infected with this horrid goldfish disease.
This fungus is caused when your pet fish has already had some type of health problem like White spot or Ick its health has already been compromised and is still in a weakened state, and that’s just the way this fungus likes it. This disease needs to be treated quickly as it can be deadly for your goldfish.
When we are have constipated we know we have to add more fruits and vegetables to our diet, and the same philosophy applies to your goldfish. It needs more fibre in its diet. You can feed your goldfish spinach, peas, lettuce, zucchini, and other green leafy vegetables. We don’t like to have constipated and neither does your goldfish. It’s mainly caused by feeding your fish too much processed food, or too much floating food. A lack of variety in diet can also cause this painful and uncomfortable problem.
Goldfish dropsy sounds cute, but it’s an ugly bacterial infection that can prove fatal for your goldfish. You know that your fish has goldfish dropsy when you notice its body is swelling, and is larger than usual. When this infection is at its worse, your pet can swell so much its scales stick out. Your goldfish’s eyes could bulge too. You need to catch this infection early. The longer the bacterial infection is left the higher the chances your fish will die.
The water in your fish tank should be at room temperature and an eighth a teaspoon of Epson Salts added to ever five gallons of water. The Epson Salts help to draw out the toxins from your goldfish’s body.
Pop Eye
This is a perplexing disease. You know if your pet has this problem if one or both eyes protrude or pop out more than usual. You need to remember that certain varieties of goldfish are meant to have distinguishing eyes such as Black Moor’s, and Bubble Eye’s. But as mentioned if your fishes eyes seem as though they are popping out more than normal action needs to be taken.
Pop Eye can be caused from several different sources which include: parasites, tuberculosis, bacterial infections and the beginning of Dropsy. You need to make sure that your water in the fish tank is clean. This disease can be easily treated with antibiotics.
Anchor worm
This is a disgusting parasite. These parasites can attach themselves anywhere on your fish but they really like to aim for muscles and organs. The female Anchor Worm, can grow up to an inch long. She has an anchor like head which digs into your friendly pet, and attaches herself to your fish. Your goldfish knows that there is something wrong and will try to rub up against fish tank ornaments to get rid of it. Unfortunately that doesn’t work.
The female parasite has two egg sacs. If the infestation is not dealt with and the eggs are allowed to hatch the new parasites will re-attack your fish. These parasites are so tenacious that they even stay attached to fish when they are dead. Dimilin is a liquid that can be easily added to your fish tank’s water. This treatment interrupts the life cycle of the parasite, and will kill it. It won’t harm your loveable pet, or your aquatic plants.
Fish Lice
They are sneaky parasites as they are small, flat, disc shaped critters, who are see-through. Being clear, they take on the color of your fish making them hard to detect. Fish Lice have clasp like antennae which allow them to hold onto the fish. They have needle like mouths which allow them to bite into your pet goldfish and suck on their blood. Plus, they have hair like legs which give them mobility. Having mobility allows them to swim in your aquarium, and to crawl all over your fish finding a juicy spot to bite into.
Because of all this biting and blood sucking going on, it’s not surprising to realize your pet fish will have wounds which can be easily infected. If this isn’t bad enough, the female parasite loves to lay her eggs on hard surfaces within your aquarium. Thankfully there are products on the market that can help.
Dimilin is a liquid that doesn’t harm your pet or your aquatic plants, but what it does do is interrupt the parasites life cycle and puts a stop to there reproduction.
Swim Bladder
This problems will cause your goldfish to act very strangely. Are your fish floating at the top of the tank, or sunk to the bottom? Are they having problems rising, or do they try to wedge themselves under your ornaments to stop themselves floating to the top of your aquarium like a helium balloon?
If so, they have Swim Bladder problems. The swim bladder is a gas filled sac in the dorsal area of your fish. This is what allows your goldfish to swim freely. The strange behavior of your lovable pet is caused by over eating or constipation.
Your pets need to go on a fast, for a few days. Don’t worry they can live over a week without food. Fasting should help solve both types of problems. You then need to give them a variety of different foods, such as peas, (peas seem to be the wonder food for your fish) spinach, lettuce and cucumber, as well as their fish pellets or flakes.
If you give them pellets, pre-soak them before giving them to your fish. And last of all, don’t over feed your goldfish. Too much food is bad for them.
Skin and Gill Flukes
These are small worm like parasites that have hooks on one end, sometimes called Shimmies. They use these hooks to anchor themselves onto your goldfish, and begin feasting. They will crawl and wiggle all over your fish to find a better and tastier spot. And of course, the more parasites your goldfish has to deal with the more lesions and tissue damage your pet will have.
Your pet fish can get these horrid annoying parasites from overcrowding, unclean water, and stress. If the infestation continues your goldfish will become lethargic and in time will lie on the bottom of the fish tank with its fins pulled close to its body. If your fish act in this way, they are seriously sick.
How do we treat the problem?
- Salt baths for 2-3 days will help. They’ll also help heal any lesions and wounds your fish may have.
- Once you’ve finished with the salt bath treatment, you can try an ammonia compound product.
- Malachite and Formalin can also be used.
This disease, sounds like this problem has just walked off an old gangster movie, but it is as serious as it sounds. It’s caused by a protozoa parasite called Hexamita or otherwise known as HITH (Hole-in-the-head). This infection is very slow, which makes it all the uglier. As this disease’s name indicates, you can notice pitted holes on your fishes head and nasal area. These holes aren’t red like you’d expect, they are white or gray in color.
Bad, dirty, and unclean water is paradise for the parasite, and hell for your goldfish. You need to clean your fish tank regularly. Also, stress can be the cause for many goldfish diseases. Stress can be caused by having too many fish in your aquarium. A bad and unvaried diet will give anyone stress, and your fish too. Make sure you add peas, lettuce, spinach, and other green leafy vegetables to their diet of fish flakes or pellets.
It’s never fun to be sick, so catching the problem as soon as possible, can help stop your goldfish from feeling strange or worse dying. Your fish is a delight to have in your home that can live for many years, so if you suspect that they aren’t their usual active selves, you need to look closely at them and see if you can find out what’s bothering them.
Usually the solution to goldfish diseases is a simple one, so don’t fret and worry too much.