Kids and dogs have always gotten along well. The main reason why kids get along so well with dogs is that their natures are very similar, both kids and dogs tend to be free spirited and loving, energetic and trust worthy.
When it comes to choosing the best dogs for kids, one must consider various aspects that would influence the relationship that the kids will share with the pooch. It is not just the breed of dog that is important but also other factors such as training levels, size, and age and so on. Here is a run down of things one must remember when buying a dog for a kid or adopting a dog for homes with kids.
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Factors to be considered while choosing the best dogs for kids:
There are various aspects to consider while choosing a dog for a kid. Kids tend to share a very emotional bond with their dogs so unless the dog is chosen carefully it could affect the child’s emotional self easily. The best dogs for kids can be chosen based on the following aspects:
- Breed of the dog
- Size of the dog
- Space available in the living quarters of the child
- Health and fitness of the dog
- Training and command response habits of the dog
- Susceptibility to allergies and infections (if any)
Once these factors are sorted out, one can conveniently bring a dog home exclusively for the kids. Once the right dog enters the life of kids it is hard for them to imagine an hour of play without the dog — it almost assumes the role of a friend or sibling in the minds of kids.
Breeds that can be considered as best dogs for kids:
Almost any breed of dog can be trained to get along with kids, but the following 10 breeds top the list when it comes to choosing dogs for kids:
- The Newfoundland
- The Poodle
- Labrador retriever
- Golden retriever
- Cairn Terrier
- Coonhounds
- The Beagle
- Collie and Shetland Sheep
- German Shepherd
- Mutts or Mixed breed dogs
While each of the above breeds is great with kids, adults in the family must make sure that the canines are trained appropriately and exercise great caution while dealing with dogs. Once responsible dog ownership is adhered to, all dogs become worthwhile companions to kids.
Best Dogs For Kids
- Golden Retriever
- Labrador Retriever
- Irish Setter
- Collie
- Bulldog
Top Small Dogs For Kids
- Havanese
- Poodles
- Shih Tzu
- French Bulldog
- Miniature Schnauzer
The 10 Best Child Friendly Dogs
You’ve decided that you want to add another family member to your household, but you want to get a dog that is going to be good with your children. Usually a good option is to choose a dog by it’s temperament, character, size and energy levels. However there are lots of dogs breeds out there so how do you know which breeds are good with children.
Labrador Retriever
Labradors love people. Labrador Retrievers are happy dogs, with a very calm nature and it probably comes as no surprise that they are the most popular dog breed in the world. This popular dog breed love playing with children, but maybe not ideal for small children because their size and they could accidentally knock a small child over when playing. They are very affectionate towards their families and will lay on your feet or even your lap given the chance. Labs are highly intelligent and are easy to train. However they hate being left alone, and can become destructive if bored.
Golden Retriever
A calm, friendly, affectionate and gentle dog, the Golden Retriever is a great family dog. They are very gentle and extremely patient with children. Again as they are a big dog they not be suited to very young children, and may accidentally knock into a small child during play. They are extremely intelligent and very quick to learn making training easy. However they do have a long coat and will shed a lot, and you will be finding hair everywhere.
Cheerful, affectionate, good-natured with an eagerness to please, the Poodle makes a great family dog. They are very energetic and need lots of exercise. Poodles are extremely intelligent and can be trained with ease. They are very gentle and patient especially with children. However if they get bored they can get into mischief and become destructive, so make sure there are plenty of toys to keep this dog entertained.
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
The poor Staffordshire Terrier gets a real bad press. Often mistaken for the larger Pit Bull, this dog is a great family dog. Staffies are a very affectionate and love their families, and have a high pain threshold making them ideal playmates for children. However, there are some poor breeding programs out there for this dog, so find a good reputable breeder.
Super intelligent and gentle, the Collie is easy to train and is energetic dogs and will require regular exercise. They were bred as a herding dog, and may do this with children and other family pets, so you are best to try and discourage this behaviour. Collies are great with children and are always eager to please their families.
These dogs absolutely love children, and can be very protective. This dog has a very kind, gentle and patient temperament, and is often referred to as natures babysitter. However they are very large and require a lot of space. They have very thick coats which shed a lot of hair, and they can drool a lot, but you simply can’t help falling in love with this beautiful large dog.
Springer Spaniel
Springer Spaniels are fun, obedient, loving towards their families and always want to please their owners. They love playing with children, and are very energetic, and will require lots f regular exercise. However they need lots of attention and affection, and will always want to be close to their family. They hate being left on their own for long periods.
With a rugged sturdy build the Bulldog may not look like a cute and cuddly dog, but they are absolutely perfect for kids as they can tolerate rough handling, and enjoy playing. They are not the most energetic dog breed, but this means that they make great dogs if you have a small house or flat. The Bulldog is friendly, pretty chilled and gets on well with other household pets as well.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
This little dog likes a lot of attention and fuss, and will love being part of a family. They are gentle, friendly and playful. They love kids, but because of their delicate size they might not be suited to very young children. This cute dog enjoy walks but keep them on a leash as they will chase anything that moves. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel are suited to a large house or small flat, but they don’t like to be left alone for long periods.
Irish Setter
These large dogs are great with families. They are very energetic, love to run and need lots of exercise. They have a great personality and can be a little mischievous at times, but they love to play especially with toys. Start training early as they can be destructive if they get bored. They love children are probably not suited to smaller children due to their size.
Dogs For Kids – Picking the Right Breed
There are many different things to factor in when your picking the right breed of dog, especially for your child. How old is your child? Have they been around dogs before?
If your child is still small (in the 1-5 range) it might be a better idea to get a smaller less active dog. Sometimes dogs don’t understand that a child is to small and they can’t be rough with them. If the dog is a smaller less active dog then they won’t be large enough to play to hard.
For example a large dog like a Lab might not be to active but still may be to big for the child to play with, while a smaller dog like a Chihuahua may be to aggressive. If getting a larger or active dog, or even both, it is best to get it while it is still a puppy. This gives the puppy time to learn who to be with the child before being to large to be a problem.
Another thing to consider when trying to pick the right breed for your kids is your families current living situation. Larger dogs eat more and in turn cost more to raise. Larger dogs can also be more of a messy companion then smaller dogs, especially while shedding.
Also if you have other pets you should be sure that it’s a breed that is known to get along with that particular pets species. This is another good reason to buy dogs as puppies first, to familiarize them with other pets at a young age.
The most important thing to factor in when picking the right breed for your kids is their opinion. Ask them they may know what they want and if it’s okay with the rest of the family then that’s the best way to go. If you still are not sure what to get them take them with you to your local pet shop and see which one your child bonds with.