Can guinea pigs have celery? Responsible pet owners should always check and make sure what they feed to their pets is absolutely safe for them.
And when it comes to guinea pigs and celery, there couldn’t be a better pet/food combination!
Guinea pigs LOVE celery and will munch away all day as long as you keep feeding it to them.
But the question is, can guinea pigs eat celery. Is it safe for them? Celery may be a nutritious food for guinea pigs, but only in moderation.
Your guinea pigs can eat celery as long as you ration the daily portions.
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Can Guinea Pigs Eat Celery Everyday?
Celery will add variety to your pet’s diet no doubt, but can guinea pigs eat celery every day?
In our opinion, it’s best to give it on alternate days.
This way, you can make sure that you’re not overfeeding celery, and also, your guinea pig will not get bored with it anytime soon.
Related: How to Check if Your Guinea Pig Healthy
Is Celery Safe For Guinea Pigs
Celery can cause bloating and gas when consumed frequently or in large quantities.
It also has very high water content.
Another concern is that celery stalks are composed of fibrous strings that can peel away and get lodged inside your pig’s teeth, throat or intestinal tract.
Related: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Apples – Are apples safe for guinea pigs
How Much Celery Can a Guinea Pig Eat?
Celery should constitute only a small portion of your guinea pig’s daily meal.
When feeding celery to guinea pigs, serve in small quantities, mixed with lettuce and other vegetables.
Make sure you cut the stalks into thin slices, so that the strings can be easily removed.
Guinea pigs love celery because it is crunchy, flavorsome and filling.
Guinea pigs will devour any portion of celery, as soon as you give it to them–stalk, leaves and all.
However, feeding too much celery to your guinea pig may have adverse effects, so it’s best to give them only a little a day.
Related: Guinea Pig Care – How To Take Care Of A Guinea Pig
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Celery Leaves?
Yes, guinea pigs can eat celery leaves.
However, you should not feed your guinea pig only with the leaves.
They will love it, but you should decide when it was enough.
Related: What Can Guinea Pigs Eat? A Guide to the Cavy Diet!
What Vegetables Can Guinea Pigs Eat
If you’re wondering “What vegetables can guinea pigs eat?” here is a partial list you can refer to when feeding guinea pigs:
What can guinea pigs eat: Vegetables
- Cucumber
- Parsley
- Raspberry leaves
- Basil
- Cilantro
- Mint
- Kale
- Carrots
- Broccoli
- Peppermint leaves
What can guinea pigs eat: Fruits
- Apple
- Grapes
- Plum
- Raspberry
- Blueberry
- Pineapple
- Peach
- Orange
- Tomato
- Pear
Note that these lists are not exhaustive.
Related: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Grapes? Red, Green, With Seeds or Seedless
These are just some of the fruits and vegetables that guinea pigs can have without any known health issues.
For a complete list read the What Can Guinea Pig Eat article. Guinea pigs have an exceptionally versatile palate, and you’ll be hard pressed to find fruits and vegetables they don’t enjoy!
However, not everything they like to eat is good for them, so it’s always a good idea to check first.