Grapes are high in sugar, and should not be included as part of your guinea pig’s daily diet.
Guinea pigs love grapes, although it may take some coaxing if your cavy has never had it before.
You can try peeling off the skin or puncturing it so the guinea pig can get a taste of the juice before eating the grape.
You can also cut the grapes in half if you are giving them to your cavy for the first time.
Cut-up grapes will also be easier for baby guinea pigs to munch on.
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Can Guinea Pigs Eat Grapes with Seeds?
Make sure you remove all seeds before giving it to your pigs because grape seeds can be poisonous.
Some pet owners report feeding grapes to guinea pigs gives them gas, so make sure your cavy can handle it before giving it.
You can safely give a couple of seedless grapes to your guinea pigs two or three days a week.
Like grapes, fruits such as apples, bananas, watermelons, oranges, strawberries and cantaloupes are very high in sugar.
If you want a healthy, sprightly guinea pig, it’s best to limit high sugar fruits and vegetables.
If you want to feed grapes or other high-sugar foods to your pigs, give them as a treat no more than once or twice a week.
Related: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Apples?
Guinea pigs are not nitpicky when it comes to sugary foods, and will even eat unusual foods such as banana peels and watermelon shells.
The ideal diet for a guinea pig consists of one cup of fresh vegetables a day as explained on our ultimate guinea pig care article.
These include lettuce, parsley, escarole, bell pepper, endive, cucumber, squash and other fresh vegetables.
Apart from a daily serving of veggies, make sure there is always a plentiful supply of orchard grass or Timothy hay.
So, What Can Guinea Pigs Eat?
Most fruits and vegetables are safe for your guinea pig, but just make sure you switch it up to add some variety to its diet.
Limit high-sugar foods and avoid bulb-type plants such as onions and potatoes.
When feeding guinea pigs, it’s just as important to know what foods to avoid altogether as you can learn from this what can guinea pigs eat article.
These include chocolate, cookies, crackers, pasta, bread or other human foods.
These foods can lead to a toxic overgrowth of harmful bacteria in the intestinal tract.
Chocolate is the most harmful.
In fact, it’s poisonous for guinea pigs and should be avoided at all costs.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Both Red and Green Grapes?
Yes, as long as they are seedless.
But can guinea pigs eat grapes of all varieties?
Yes, but if the grapes are too big, you should cut one in half and feed each half with a meal, instead of giving both halves at the same time.
Red grapes are slightly healthier for guinea pigs as they have less sugar that the green ones, but both are good.
If you ever wondered can your guinea pig eat grapes this post should give you an answer. Are your guinea pigs eating grapes? What is your experience? We would love to know so don’t be shy to comment below.