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Why do Dogs Hump or Mount?
Dog humping behavior can have different reasons. If your dog is humping or mounting, he can be in a playful and excited state, he can express dominance, he can be sexually stimulated or he can have an irritation.
Humping or mounting isn’t always sex related as even female dogs can show this behavior, although they don’t exhibit it as often as male dogs. And if your male dog is humping his mate certainly doesn’t mean that your dog is gay!
When do Dogs Hump or Mount?
Sexual Behavior
The most obvious reason for dog humping behavior is when they mate. Male dogs get sexually excited when a female dog in heat is in the neighborhood and they will mate with her whenever they get the chance. On this occasion they will stay in a locked position with the female dog for quite some time. This can be as long as from a few minutes to sometimes half an hour. If they can’t get to the female dog, they can use surrogates to mate like for example your coach cushion, their favorite stuffed toy or worst case scenario your leg!
Dominant Behavior
When dogs encounter each other, for example in the dog park, they will always try out their opponent. This includes macho behavior like tails holding high and erected ears. At a certain point it is well possible that one dog will try to mount the other in order to establish the ranking. If both dogs are equally dominant, this can turn into a fight till one of the dogs submits to the other.
So if you are experiencing dog humping issues with your dog, he is testing your leadership. Fact is that you can never allow this and need to redirect your dog. Stand your ground and claim your own space. If the dog humping situation hasn’t escalated yet, a firm touch or stepping towards your dog in an assertive way and addressing him with a strong voice will get the job done.
If however your dog has taken the habit of mounting you, dog training can bring solution. In dog training you learn to establish yourself as leader of your dog, and you as well as your dog will benefit from this training.
Playful Behavior
Beginning in the litter, puppies try to manifest themselves amongst their littermates. When they mount each other it has all to do with dominant behavior and nothing with sexual behavior. They are learning the skills needed later on in their lives. However, adult dogs in a playful state can get so excited, that they start humping. Is this often the case, then you should ask yourself if you are exercising your dog enough?
Every dog needs to drain his energy in whatever way possible. When you never walk your dog or hardly ever play with him, it isn’t unusual that he exhibits this behavior just to get your attention, even if this attention is negative. Try to stimulate your dog both mentally and physically every day. Take him on regular walks or bicycle rides, start an obedience training to challenge him mentally or enter a fly ball school or agility course.
Irritation or Medical Problems
Sometimes your dog’s humping or mounting behavior can be the result of a medical problem or an irritation. If your dog is constantly licking down under, irritation can be the problem. Check also for little branches or thorns, especially with long haired dogs. If there is no obvious reason for his humping, check your veterinary for further examination.
How to Stop Your Dog from Humping or Mounting?
To stop your dog from humping or mounting, you first need to figure out why he is showing this behavior. As stated above, every dog behavior requires a different approach.
If your dog is still intact, a solution can be neutering him. There is no guarantee that these humping acts are over, but in general, neutering can reduce the frequency drastically. Check with your veterinary to find out what is the best solution for your dog’s problem.