Dogs may be considered to be some of the most beloved creatures around. However, that doesn’t mean that living alongside them would equate to peace and harmony. Dogs have natural tendencies that can’t be easily controlled for many. Taming dogs indeed isn’t easily achievable and a lot of programs are even offered for owners for the sake of this matter.
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So, what does it take to make living with your dog easier?
Through dog training, this goal of having more control of your dog’s actions and behavior can be something that’s very much attainable. Training is also an effective way of strengthening your relationship with your dog as it develops a sense of trust between you and your pet. And on top of that, the activities involved in a dog’s training can be a lot of fun!
Dog training is undeniably a great way for you to achieve a more pleasant living with your dog. It is a good way for dogs to learn some pointers which should be followed especially in the household.
Here are some of the key points that make training important for dogs:
Training is a means to let your dogs know how to act. By instilling boundaries, a dog can see you as someone that should be followed. That is, instead of feeling like the boss, dogs can become obedient pets when they understand how his relationship with his owner should work.
Training can encourage dogs to stick to proper conduct. And that would be based on how you reward your dogs whenever they show positive behavior. Dogs will eagerly follow your instructions when they know that they can get something good from it.
The Benefits of Dog Training
Training will help you develop a more efficient way of communicating with your dogs. Through various gestures and actions developed through training, you can be assured that understanding your canines can become achievable. Instead of acting in irksome and vague manners, you can teach your dogs how to use movements, postures or vocalizations for certain situations. Hence, you will easily be able to identify what a dog wants or has to say.
For pet owners, training dogs can be advantageous in many ways. For instance, they can tell when a dog behaves oddly and expect the odds for such behavior. During such a scenario, they can do something about the situation before it gets worst.
Training fosters mutual trust between a pet and their owner. It can be a means of showing your dog that you are a loving and concerned master. This can be shown through the rewards that they get whenever they do a good deed. Through this, they’ll understand how you want them to behave and will know that it will ultimately be for their own good.
Dog Games – Fun Activities for Canines
Playing is important even to dogs. Through dog games, energy levels of these creatures get stimulated. Games can also be considered to be a part of a dog’s training. Even though dogs are considered as man’s best friend, there is still that inevitable gap that makes us the human beings that we are and make them dogs the animals that they are.
Well, what I’m saying is that the way we understand a dog’s behavior is usually different from how they actually feel. In line with this, engaging our pups with games can certainly be a way for dogs and humans to foster understanding between dogs and their owners. Thus, there is a bond that is formed through these activities which will certainly be helpful for dog training activities.
In addition, there are also a number of brain boosting games for dogs which aim to strengthen a dog’s cognitive abilities. Just like humans, dog also tend to have weaker cognitive abilities as they age. Hence, exercises that are meant to keep your dogs’ minds alert is another part of letting your canines have fun.
What are some dog games to try?
Dogs have a natural urge to grab or bite things and playing tug would be great outlet for these urges. Tug-of-war would also be a good means for teaching your dog lessons such as listening to their owners. In playing this game, it is important to select a good tug toy which should usually be soft or easy to handle. Once you have the toy, you can start with the game.
Even dogs can take part in your hide-and-seek playing too! Interactive games like hid-and-seek can have a number of practical purposes. For instance, it can serve as both a mental and physical exercise for your dogs. This game can eventually build up your relationship with your dog due to it’s effect of making your dog appreciate your presence. It also is a means for them to strengthen their problem solving skills.
Some animals understands a vocabulary of 200 words which means that even dogs have language-learning capabilities. You can also have your dog’s vocabulary widened through vocabulary-enhancing games. Retrieval games can be a good means of adding new words to your dog’s lexicon. You can begin by asking your dog to retrieve an item according to name and then give him a reward every time he gets it right. Whenever the wrong item is retrieved, you can repeat the command or guide your pet through helping him identify the item in question.