Owners are always advised by dogs experts to use pet foods to ensure the healthy nutrition of the dog. Food poisoning can be prevented if the dog is given foods specifically formulated for dogs. No dog owner will intentionally feed the pet foods that can cause poisoning. However, not many dog owners are aware that some common human foods can have toxic effects on the dog.
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Theobromine Poisoning in Dogs
Dogs must not be allowed to consume chocolate, coffee and tea because Theobromine in chocolate and caffeine in tea and coffee are naturally occurring substances that stimulates the nervous system and the heart.
Ethanol Poisoning in Dogs
Dogs are not only affectionate but also entertaining companions as they can be trained to do tricks. It would be a big accomplishment if a dog owner can teach the dog to drink beer from the can but ingestion of alcoholic beverages would have ill effects that can result to the death of the pet.
The chemical compound in alcoholic beverages called ethanol cannot be tolerated by the dogs system. This substance that is rapidly absorbed by the dogs system will affect the central nervous system and cause respiratory depression. Immediate medical attention is imperative for dogs that have swallowed sizeable amounts of alcoholic beverage as inducing vomiting will not help the pet.
Thiosulfate Poisoning Dogs
Onion is another common human food that is poisonous to dogs. This human food has thiosulfate that destroys the dogs red blood cells. Foods containing onions must not be given to dogs as the thiosulfate is not destroyed by cooking. A large dose or small but regular doses of onions can cause the death of the dog.
Xylitol Poisoning Dogs
Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that has become increasingly more common in our food. Initially, it was found mainly in gum, mints, and candies, but now it is found in all kinds of processed foods like yogurt, can goods, and many low carb or sugar free products. It is also commonly found in toothpaste and mouthwash, so be sure not to brush your dog’s teeth with your toothpaste, or cure their bad breath with your mouthwash.
Even a little quantity of xylitol can cause complete liver failure and death. The poisonous effects will normally show up within 30 minutes of consumption. It causes a rapid increase in insulin and a sudden and dramatic decrease in blood sugar. The symptoms comprise of vormiting, ataxia (stumbling around with uncoordinated movements), and general weakness, seizures, and coma.
Common Foods Toxic to Dogs
It should never be assumed that foods eaten by humans are also safe for dogs. In spite of the similarities in genetics, dogs can get poisoned by some human foods because these animals have different metabolism.
You surely would be careful in giving your dog people food. Because of the bond children have with the pet, it would be very hard to stop them from giving unsafe foods. The grapes or the chocolate being eaten by the child will be shared with the pet.
Coffee, Tea and Alcoholic Beverages
Coffee, tea and alcoholic beverages will be listed as toxic to dogs. These are unsafe beverages for dogs because the caffeine in coffee and tea has the effect of stimulating the cardiac and central nervous system of the dog. Ingestion of alcohol will result to intoxication. Consuming large amounts of coffee, tea and alcoholic beverages can result to the death of the dog.
Chocolates and Candies
Chocolates and candies are favorite comfort foods especially by people with sweet tooth. Too much consumption of chocolate can result to obesity but consumed in moderation this sweet was found to be good for the heart. Chocolates and sugar-free candies are included in the list of foods poisonous to dogs.
Chocolate has the naturally occurring stimulant known as Theobromine that has dangerous effect on the dogs cardiac and nervous systems. The Xylitol in sugar-free candies causes blood sugar to plummet so that the dog can die in minutes after ingesting even a small amount of these candies.
Raw Eggs and Raw Fish
Raw eggs and raw fish are listed as foods toxic to dogs. Dogs that consume raw eggs regularly have skin and coat health concerns because the avidin the raw eggs contain hinders biotin from being absorbed by the body. Raw eggs also have Salmonella. Thiamin deficiency that causes the dog to have poor appetite, to seize and to die results if the dog is allowed to eat raw fish regularly.
There are a lot of human foods we’d love to share with our dogs, but among these foods some are healthy while others are toxic to our dogs. If you want to ensure a long, happy and healthy life for your dog, you need to make sure you’re feeding him or her healthiest food possible.
Just because a certain human food is good for you doesn’t make it the best food to feed your pet.
Though it can appear easy to provide your dog the same food you eat, you should never give them all types of human food.
Human Food Can Sometimes Cause a Health Risk for Dogs
With that said, it is important to understand which culinary treats make for great dog treats and which could bring you to the vet and lofty bills.
Hard boiled eggs are okay as a special treat, though, as long as your dog doesn’t show any unfavorable reaction to them. But like humans, dogs should avoid raw eggs. They can cause hair and skin issues and can pose a threat to your dog’s health.
Safe and Toxic Fruit for Dogs
Being omnivorous animals, dogs are known to eat anything even inedible things. Dogs, like humans would gain a lot of healthful benefits from eating fruits. Fruits are loaded with vitamins that will enhance the immune system of the dog and also strengthen the intestinal muscles for easier waste elimination.
Dogs owners can give the pet any kind of fruits but not grapes and avocados. An unknown substance in grapes and raisins is toxic to dogs as it can cause severe kidney damage. Avocado is very dangerous for dogs as ingestion of the fruit, leaves, bark and pit can result to the death when the toxin causes fluid to accumulate in the dogs chest, heart and abdomen.
They are normally perfect for a dog’s diet; although it’s not true for all of the vegetables. In larger amounts, items like onions, chives, and garlic can cause intestinal and red blood cell problems. Rhubarb leaves and mushrooms should also be avoided. Some acceptable vegetables to use as snacks are green beans, carrots, zucchini, and cucumber.
Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, which should on no account be consumed by dogs. It can cause severe agitation, abdominal pain, muscle tremors, irregular heart rhythm, vomiting, dehydration, raised body temperature, seizures, and, of course, death. So, chocolate is dangerous to your dog health.
Grapes and raisins can cause rapid kidney failure. Although currently unknown what chemicals and compounds are in grapes that cause toxicity in dogs, the results of consumption can be pretty devastating. While it varies between dogs, symptoms may not show up in them. Dogs will also develop dehydration and lack of appetite. Death from kidney failure may happen within four to five days.
It’s absolutely tragic that we can’t share one of the greatest foods out there with our dogs. Research proved that foods rich in fat, like bacon, may lead to disease, pancreatitis in dogs and all sorts of problems with digestion and nutrient absorption even coma.
It has been the habit of pet owners to share the food with the pet. Children form legendary bonds with dogs thus it would be difficult for them to refuse the food-begging pet. However, it is the responsibility of the parents to make the children understand the dangers of sharing common foods with the pet.
Given the close ties humans have with dogs, it would be very hard to remember that some foods safe for human consumption are poisonous to dogs thus a list of these toxic foods posted in a prominent place would serve as reminder to all the family members.