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The following tips are helpful for stopping dog chewing
Do you dread coming home from work because you can’t stop your dog from chewing everything in the house while you are gone? Stopping dog chewing can be done if you just take the time and put some effort into it. Dogs are born with the desire to chew and it actually fills a health need so you don’t want to stop it completely.
What you do need to so is set some boundaries so your dog knows what he can and can not chew. While dog chewing is very frustrating to you to deal with, you can solve this problem by providing your dog the proper training and making your house more dog friendly. Or should I say “dog proof?”
Make Your House Dog Proof
Keep clothes and shoes off the floor by storing them in your closets and cabinets. If your dog can not see or reach your shoes and clothes he can not chew them. This rule applies to everything in your home that you don’t want chewed by your dog. A list would include garbage, the remote control to your TV and other gadgets, books, cell phones, cameras and anything else your dog could chew on if he finds them. Store them away to remove all ability from your dog to find and chew them. Stopping dog chewing problems can be helped by following this simple step.
Keep Food Properly Stored so the Dog Can Not Get Into it
Don’t leave food setting out where it can tempt your dog to get into trouble. Don’t leave it on the table or counter top, thinking your dog can’t reach it. You will be amazed at the way your dog will find to reach something he wants to eat or chew. If you don’t have time to wash your dishes before you leave at least rinse them off as you place them in the sink. Even better would be to rinse them and place them in the dishwasher. Never feed him left overs or the food that you are eating. Have one place in the house where he is feed and water and use that every time you feed him.
Create a Holding Area for Your Dog When You are Away From Home
This can be in a room such as the laundry room, or if the dog is small enough, can be a holding crate or case. Even if you use a room to hold your dog away it is a good idea to have an open crate or cage in it with the dog’s blanket. This will give him a place of security while he waits for you to come home. Never give your dog the freedom to roam your home when you are not there. However when you are there you should allow the dog normal freedom so you can teach him the boundaries that he can not cross. Stopping dog chewing problems involve teaching your dog what is acceptable behavior to you.
Provide Your Dog Some Alternatives to Chew Other Than Your Clothes or Household Belongings
Stopping dog chewing of everything around him can often be solved by buying him some chewable toys and teaching him to use these toys when he has the urge to chew something. However don’t give him dozens of toys to choose among, just give two or three toys at a time. It is OK to have a variety of chew toys, just don’t give them to him all at once but alternate them over the days so he always has something different to play with from day to day.
Exercise Your Dog Every Day
A dog needs exercise and if he does not get it, he will tear up the house in his nervous energy. Take him for a walk every night when you return home and if possible, take him out for a short walk in the morning before you leave for work. Spend some time playing with your dog each day so life does not become too boring for them. Use this time to teach your dog what is and is not acceptable behavior with you.
Say “No!” Your Dog
When you are home watch your dog closely and every time you see him start to do something wrong, immediately correct him by saying “No!” in a loud voice and stopping his actions. Stopping dog chewing can only work if you catch the dog in the act of chewing. So when he starts to chew something, give him one of his toys to chew so he learns not to touch your property and what property belongs to him.
These are just a few tips on how you can teach your dog the rules. Consider buying training materials that will lay out a procedure for you to follow as you teach your dog the rules of your house. Stopping dog chewing problems is possible if you are willing to work at it with love and patience. A final alternative for stopping dog chewing problems is seeking a professional dog trainer if the process is too much for you to handle.
Stopping Dog Chewing Furniture
Stopping dog chewing on furniture can be a major problem. However stopping dog chewing on furniture can be done if the dog owner is willing spend some time and effort training their dog in acceptable behavior patterns. Your dog may be chewing on furniture for a variety of reasons, some physical and some behavioral. You will need to determine which pattern fits your dog before you can achieve a solution.
Stopping Dog Chewing Furniture: Physical Reasons
If your dog is a puppy then chewing on furniture and other objects may be a teething problem as the dog’s teeth are developing. If your problem is stopping an older dog chewing on furniture then the dog may have dental problems which is causing this activity. In this case the first step would be to take your dog to a vet to ensure that dental problems is not causing your dog to chew on furniture. The vet may be able to provide a solution for stopping dog from chewing furniture.
If the dog is a puppy then you will need to take steps to redirect the dog’s natural desire to chew on objects as the teeth develop. You need to buy teething toys that the dog can use and direct their activity to the toy if you find them chewing on anything other than the toy. Then as the puppy chews on the toy, praise him for chewing on the toy. Teach him chewing on the toy is acceptable behavior while chewing on anything else in the house is unacceptable.
Stopping dog chewing furniture or other objects is achievable if you are willing to take the time to train your dog by telling him NO! in a loud voice when you catch it chewing furniture or other items, then handing him his chew toy to chew on and providing him positive attention as he chews on the toy. Your dog wants to please you and will soon learn that you will praise him only if he chews on the chew toys you provide him.
Stopping Dog Chewing Furniture: Behavior Reasons
Your dog may chew on furniture or other items when you are not around due to boredom or loneliness.
When your dog chews on furniture or other items for behavior reasons you need to re-direct your dog’s chewing each time you catch him chewing an inappropriate object. You can startle him with a loud noise or tell him NO! in a loud voice to distract his attention away from whatever he is chewing and then immediately provide him with a chew toy to chew on. Then as he chews on the chew toy, pet him and praise him for being a good dog. Keeping your dog occupied by playing with these types of chew toys will usually stop chewing on your furniture.
If you are going to be away from your house, you need to confine your dog to a secure area that does not contain any objects you do not wish him to chew. Instead have two or three of his favorite chew toys in the confined area so that he may chew on them while you are gone. This helps create the habit of chewing on those particular items so he will began to seek them when he wants to chew on something.
Dog Chewing Normal Activity
The first thing that most people must understand about dog chewing furniture is the fact chewing on objects is a natural dog behavior. Many individuals think stopping dog chewing of everything is necessary to keep your dog from ruining the furniture, but most advice about dog chewing furniture or other objects states you are more effective in stopping dog chewing furniture when you provide alternative chewing activities to stop chewing on furniture or other objects. This in essence means the dog requires his or her own toys that he identifies as being his.
Almost all guidance on keeping your dog from chewing on furniture will emphasize that punishment won’t stop chewing, but may strengthen the behavior. Redirecting and training will usually be much more successful. Chances are you’ll have to keep your dog in a confined space with his toys for some time to prevent chewing on inappropriate objects when you are not home. In addition, some dog training professionals advise you spray your furniture with products created to stopping dog chewing of furniture, like Bitter Apple, that you can purchase online or at pet stores.
Regardless of the procedure you follow for stopping dog chewing furniture, be prepared to spend some time training your dog proper behavior and have patience with the mistakes he makes during this training period.