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Bad Parrot Behavior
Have you ever been awaken by your Parrot screaming early in the morning? Does your Parrot scream when you leave the room, come home from work or scream for what seems, “just the fun of it”? Why do Parrots scream and what can be done about bad Parrot behavior? Parrot training is essential to help Stop a Screaming Parrot.
Remember, Parrots are social creatures and vocalization is normal for all birds because that’s their primary way of communicating. So there is going to be a certain amount of squeaks and chatter from your Parrot. You have to understand this but also be able to determine normal chatter from distress screaming.
Normal Screaming Parrot
It’s normal for Parrots to scream a little bit first thing in the morning. I once owned a Cockatiel who was notorious for waking me up every morning and wouldn’t let up. He refused to be ignored until he got his morning neck rub. Parrots will typically scream when you get home from work also.
These are normal screams and usually will subside once you greet your bird, spend a minute with them to let them know you’re there by simply responding to their way of saying “hello flock member”.
Of course if your bird is hungry or without water you can bet he is going to let you know about it.
Bad Screaming Parrot
Bad may not be the best way to describe this but your Parrot will also scream if he is bored, lonely and continually isolated. Don’t forget, Parrots are very intelligent and social birds and they need interaction from the flock; this means you. The worst thing you can do is ignore your Parrot and throw a sheet over his cage to make him shut up when all he wants to do is talk to you.
Parrots need something to do. You can help by first of all making sure you have a large enough cage so your bird isn’t cramped up. Make sure there are plenty of toys for your bird to play with. Leave the T.V. on when you go to work so he gets some sort of stimulus when no one is home. Try sitting in a room all day by yourself and see how you like it.
How to Stop Parrot Screaming
Always remember that Parrots communicate through vocalization and you will never completely stop all screaming. Birds do this naturally in nature and you don’t want to totally deny them of their natural expression. But there are a few things you can do to alleviate some of the birds screaming.
Train your Parrot. A trained Parrot is a happy and more controllable Parrot. Spend time with your bird and teach him bird tricks. You are the dominant flock member so take charge. Start out by teaching your bird the “step up/step down” command and move on from there.
This is the most important thing you can do. Stop unwanted behavior before it progresses by imposing dominance over your bird. When you “make” your bird step up you are showing him who is in control. You exert your dominance by insisting your Parrot “do” what you want him to do, not what he wants to do.
A noisy house will also contribute to a loud bird because Parrots tend to emulate their environment. If the T.V. is loud and the kids are screaming your bird will naturally ramp up the volume and “communicate” likewise.
Don’t yell or scream back at your bird and tell him to shut up. That’s a positive response for the parrot and he thinks he did the right thing. You’re giving him the attention he wants but it will backfire on you.
Of course you never want to hit your Parrot or shake the cage violently because now you’re only making the situation worse and producing a bird that’s fearful and a scared bird won’t trust you and can be dangerous.
It takes a little time and a little patience but you can get your Parrot under control and make your bird a happy family member.