Teddy Bear Hamster is neither a bear nor a stuffed toy. But Teddy Bear Hamster is definitely a Hamster and it is absolutely cute. They are often called Long-haired Hamsters, Fancy Hamsters or Angora Hamsters. Teddy Bear Hamster is a cousin of Syrian or Golden Hamsters. The difference would be is that Teddy Bear Hamsters have much longer hair.
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Teddy Bear Hamster Size and Physical Appearance
Teddy Bear Hamsters are about 5-7 inches long.
People desire to have a Teddy Bear Hamster as a pet because of its remarkable fur color. Their fur comes in shades of reddish gold and it grows an average of one to two inches in length.
Most of these gorgeous Hamsters have white paws and some sport a white triangle at their throat which gives them the appearance of wearing a tuxedo. These cute Hamsters have different colors but usually, golden colors are present.
The males are the ones with the longer hair though the females grow larger than the males. Females mature faster than males. Females mature around six weeks.
Teddy Bear Hamsters Lifespan
Teddy Bear Hamster life span is about 2 years, and it may be extended for 4 years if kept in a proper habitat.
Generally Teddy Bear Hamsters are happy animals. But it is recommended to not put 2 hamsters in one cage. Sometimes they get grumpy and want to be left alone. They are nocturnal animals which means they sleep during the day and are active during the night.
They are perfect pets for those who are seeking for a pet of low-maintenance. Teddy Bear Hamsters can bathe themselves using their tongues. Like their Syrian cousins Teddy Bear Hamsters have the habit of nipping.
Teddy Bear Hamsters are surely adorable and lovable and need very low-maintenance, making them perfect for kids.
The cage where you will house your Teddy Bear Hamster must facilitate optimal air flow. It must be lightweight and easy to clean. Must be large enough. Approximately 2 to 3 story cage with shredded wood shavings (avoid pine or cedar shavings it is harmful to them) or hay on its cage flooring, with 1 or more houses with nesting materials on it.
And also put some food, water, bedding, wheel, hideout, water bottle, food dish and safe to chew toys.
If you have one or more Teddy Bear Hamsters make sure they are not overcrowded in a cage. Teddy Bear Hamster do not like to live in pairs. They have the tendency to fight over each other even to the verge of death.
Teddy Bear Hamster Diet
Consumption or eating and drinking is the last, but certainly not least thing on your hamster health checklist. Hamsters need a high protein, high fat (good fat) diet in order to support their active lifestyles. Remember to only feed them a couple table spoons per day, and do not introduce a new food rapidly into their diet; do it slowly.
Eating a large amount of a new food could cause diarrhea which could lead to wet tail and death. For example, fresh vegetables are very good for hamsters. They keep them hydrated and provide necessary nutrients. But, feeding them exclusively veggies will cause irregularities in their digestive system. Remember, everything in moderation.
Teddy Bear Hamsters diet is composed mainly by grains, fruits and vegetables. Before feeding them it is advisable to remove leftovers from the previous day. And also always refill their water supply which must be kept fresh.
Chew Toys
Hamsters love to chew and bite, they must also be given a chew toys. It is necessary to give them chewing toys for their tooth health. A material for gnawing is a must and it should be non-toxic to avoid health problems because they love to chew and bite that makes the possibility of gnawing the metal bars of their cage.
Maintenance and Cleaning
Clean the cage of the Hamster twice in a week. When cleaning use warm water and non toxic solvent cleaner, then rinse well and dry it completely. It also includes all the accessories inside your hamster’s cage, including the house. Hamster bedding should be changed routinely.
They should not be bathed unnecessarily because they can be prone to colds. They don’t need to bathed but can be brushed using a toothbrush so tangled hair can be removed. Whenever there are times it gets dirty and cannot clean itself, a damp cloth can be used to gently wipe off the dirt on the Hamster.
Even though majority Hamsters can clean up themselves, you can also take care and help them by combing their hair by using hamster-combs that might be bought at hamster stores or pet shops. Even toothbrushes can be used; taking care of Hamsters includes brushing their teeth. These will lead up to a healthy way in having good relationship between you and your Hamster.
Teddy Bear Hamster Health
Teddy Bear Hamsters are very small and as such their immune system is much weaker than ours. As their owner, you must always keep this fact in mind.
Here are some guidelines to help you keep your Teddy Bear as healthy as possible:
Wash Your Hands
I can’t say it enough, wash your hands before and after handling your Teddy Bear Hamster. Bacteria or viruses that reside on your hands can prove to be fatal to your little guy/girl. Take extra sanitary precautions when you are feeling sick, or have just eaten (what you ate may be poisonous to your hamster).
If you are feeling ill wash your hands and wear a mask so you do not breathe on your Hamster, and only come in contact with them to change their bedding, food, and water. Leave them alone until you are healthy again!
But what if your hamster does get sick?
Signs That Your Teddy Bear Hamster is Sick:
- Loss of appetite
- Change in behavior
- Discharge from eyes
- Runny nose
- Dull or unkempt coat
- Wetness around tail
Hamsters, like humans tend to eat less, and do not like to be bothered when sick. If you notice your Hamster is not waking up at its normal time, and is eating or drinking less, contact your local Vet with a list of symptoms and get some medicine for your Hamster.
Other common signs of illness among Teddy Bear’s are if the eyes leak fluid, or have a redness to them. Healthy Hamsters’ eyes should be black, clear, and alert looking. Also if they’re nose is running, or is dry your Hamster may be sick. Healthy Teddy Bear’s have slightly wet noses just like cats and dogs.
Additionally, if their fur is not sleek and shiny, or is not being cleaned regularly your Hamster may be sick.
Finally, if your Teddy Bear Hamster has any wetness around his or her tail, immediately call your Vet for medication because your Hamster probably has a disease called, Wet Tail. This sickness is curable but only if it is caught immediately.
Bringing Your Teddy Bear Hamster Home
Before buying the new Teddy Bear Hamster, select a permanent place and set up a cage for them. It is best if we bring the Teddy Bear Hamster in the home with its transport box which is the quick way, due to the certain circumstances intensifying the efforts for making it free itself very soon.
So when we reach home, put the box in the cage and open it and see whether the Hamster comes out or not. Put the old materials of the nest which we took while buying in the cage. It will smell the scent and will identify that this is his home even if the surroundings do not match.
Selecting the Healthy Teddy Bear Hamster
Healthy Teddy Bear Hamster has a shining, smooth coat and bright eyes. It also has a dry nose thus its body is like cylindrical. It creates lively impression apart from that, but it will not be same if they just woke up of the sleep. The contrasting coat of the ailing Teddy Bear Hamster appears to be dull and unkempt; the creature also has the sunken flanks.
The sign of illness are the nasal discharged and the inflamed eyes. But if the Teddy Bear Hamster is wobbling its legs, trembling, wheezes or sneezes immediately contact the dealer and don’t buy that one.
Important Tips for Getting a Teddy Bear Hamster
- The professional dealer will definitely advise us if we are uncertain regarding the Teddy Bear Hamsters. At the good pet stores, Teddy Bear Hamsters can be found.
- If you desire a happy and healthy Hamster, it is recommendable to get one from a reliable professional Teddy Bear Hamsters breeder that is dedicated for the breeding system.
- Always try to buy Hamsters in the afternoon. These creatures are very lively due to which we can evaluate them very better. Contrasting to the mice and the guinea pigs, they are very active at night in dusk, and mostly they prefer to stay alone for having rest at daytime.
- Get a Teddy Bear Hamster of around ¾ weeks older. Because young Hamsters become more handy and quick then the older ones.
- Lookout for any signs of illness, fur having bare places, dry eye, sneezing, long teeth or nails, dragging the leg or limping, continuous scratching and reddening of skin.
- After bringing the Teddy Bear Hamster home, please kindly take some of the nesting materials from its previous cage. Because it is very easy for the Hamster to get used to the new cage along with the earlier habitat.
Now the final job is to find a lovely name for the cute little Teddy Bear Hamster.
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