We all know what bad breath is when we smell it. Bad breath also known as halitosis is a build up of bacteria found in your dog’s mouth, stomach, lungs, and insides. Halitosis can also be a sign of other serious diseases.
Dogs are not known to have the sweetest breath. If their breath becomes unusually offensive then you just might have to take extra steps to dog bad breath cures.
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Importance of Distinguishing Dog’s Bad Breath
Don’t ignore dog bad breath as it can present certain diseases that can greatly endanger your dog’s health in the long run. In fact, the most common source of bad breath in dogs is dental disease. Always check your dog’s mouth for signs of tartar build up, rotten or bad teeth, and unhealthy gums.
Causes of Bad Breath in Dogs
It pays to know the difference between a normal smell of your dog and its unusual bad breath. Before your dog bad breath turns out to be a major health problem, get to know the potential causes of canine bad breath:
- Tartar and plaque build up
- Broken, abscessed, decayed tooth or teeth
- Periodontist
- Bone or foreign body trapped in between teeth
- Gastrointestinal diseases such as intestinal obstructions, cancers, etc.
- Sinus infections
- Kidney infections
- Oral tumors
The following are cases that signal medical problems that requires immediate attention:
- Fruity or peculiarly sweet breath could signal diabetes especially when your dog has been drinking and urinating more frequently than usual.
- Urine-like breath can be a sign of a kidney disease.
- Symptoms of vomiting, lack of appetite, and yellow-tinged corneas and gums can also signal liver problem.
Ways to Treat Dog’s Bad Breath
When you detect sudden changes in your dog’s breath, don’t ignore it based on thinking that dogs at a certain age develop it. Take the proactive approach on treating your dog bad breath as a preventive medicine.
Regular checkups are a must to ensure that your dog has no underlying medical issues that could cause bad breath. A step-by-step physical assessment of your dog bad breath can help determine how healthy or how much medical treatment it needs.
A good hygiene such as regular brushing of your dog’s teeth is an ideal practice. Just be sure to use canine toothpaste to avoid irritating your dog’s stomach.
Purchase products that helps clean your dog’s teeth namely hard, safe chew toys and odor removing treats.
Why Your Dog Has Bad Breath
Plaque formation is the main culprit of bad breath. The odor-causing bacteria can be easily eliminated with brushing of your dog’s teeth. Although this step wouldn’t totally remove bad breath, it can efficiently reduce the smell.
Have a vet check and perform professional dental cleaning of your dog’s oral health. Other problems such as gingivitis, plaque formation, or periodontal disease can be established for prompt treatment.
Check your dog’s diet. Canned foods and raw foods such as meat can also contribute to dog bad breath symptoms. Switch your dog’s diet to dry food and see if it offers any dog bad breath remedy. The trick is to experiment with different kind of diet and see which works best as cures for bad dog breath.
Another dog bad breath cures is to ban your dog from eating non-edible stuff. This includes feces or garbage that can be easily found when your dog goes astray. This dog bad breath remedy is to simply erase these dirty foods from your dog’s diet by immediately picking up his dog poop or preventing access to trash bins.
Check the type of smell your dog has. Fruity or sweet smelling bad breath indicates diabetes especially when your dog is also showing symptoms of being excessively thirsty or with frequent urination.
A trip to your dog’s vet might save your dog’s health or even better your dog’s life. A vet can pinpoint the exact bad breath cause in case of persistent bad breath despite regular brushing or a change of diet.
How to Get Rid of Dog Bad Breath
The dental health of your dog is as important as its overall health. Dogs with bad breath usually indicate that something is wrong with your dog’s health.
Cure for Dog Bad Breath
You need to regularly brush your dog’s teeth as the most effective way on how to fight bad breath. Concentrate on brushing its upper teeth given that plaque tends to accumulate in that area.
Treat your dog with raw bones to promote chewing. In dealing with bad breath, it is necessary to keep your dog’s mouth moist. Raw bones enable your dog to frequently chew that lessens the need to go for dental visits to the vet. If your dog has never tried to eat raw bones. Supervise and make sure that it can handle chewing it and not swallow the bones, which can lead to choking. For starters, get a huge bone of mutton or beef.
Strengthen your dog’s immune system with a healthy diet and lots of water.
Get rid of halitosis with oral products designed to target bad breath in dogs, which are canine solution, pet gel, pet toothbrush, dog toothpaste, chews, and among others. Consult with your vet to determine the underlying cause of bad breath and to know the right type of products to get rid of dog bad breath.
The best way to get rid of bad breath is to follow the step on a consistent basis. In order to see long-term results on getting rid of bad breath, aim to maintain your dog’s health including its oral health.
Dog with Bad Breath Home Remedies
Dogs are incapable of expressing their need in health care much more tell you they need remedies for bad dog breath. Dog breath is quite similar to humans. The most common bad breath causes is the lack of a good oral care regimen. It leads to plaque formation, decayed tooth, and bad breath.
Thus the task of finding home remedies for dog bad breath is left entirely on the pet owner’s hands.
You will be surprised on how easy it is to find home remedies no farther than your own kitchen. Know which easy-to-find home remedies for dog bad breath could come in handy to your pet’s rescue.
Have your dog chew on raw carrots. It’s mildly abrasive and helps remove plaque. The more your dog chews, the higher saliva production it makes. The saliva washes away loose food particles inside the mouth and around its teeth.
Produce your own dog breath pray by immersing several stalks of Parsley in hot water. Remove the parsley from the water and allow the tea to cool. You can either try to make your dog drink it or spritz the parsley tea in your dog’s mouth.
Combat bad dog breath with a mixture of yogurt, raw carrots, and raw turkey.
Some examples of herbs as bad dog breath remedies are Neem leaves and Coriander leaves used as toothpaste or water additive.
Do not ever attempt to use any oral bad breath products for human on dogs. The formulation of these products may be too harsh for your dog. It is best to consult with your vet on oral solutions as one of the cures for bad dog breath.
These natural remedies for bad dog breath however don’t contain harmful chemicals. Best of all, our suggested home remedies for dog bad breath are found in your own kitchen.
When to Seek Your Veterinarian
The best time to seek professional help is when your dog’s breath suddenly becomes unusually different, presence of pain around the mouth area, your dog’s reluctance to eat, difficulty eating, or when your dog frequently drools. Your veterinarian is the best and qualified person to pinpoint the exact cause. A thorough physical examination and laboratory workup may be conducted.
Lastly, discuss with your veterinarian on oral health products that best suits your dog’s health needs. A word of caution though these products simply mask dog bad breath and does not treat underlying medical problems.
Don’t take dog bad breath lightly. Follow dog bad breath cures to relieve your dog from bad breath. Pay attention to your dog’s needs to improve your dog’s health and lengthen its canine years.