When you get a pair of cats, it can be hard to find perfect paired cat names to name them. There are so many options! How do you choose?
The first thing to remember is that your cats can’t tell you their names, so it’s up to you to figure out what works for them.
If you want to choose a theme for your cats, then you need to consider how well that theme matches the personality of your cats. For example, if you want to name your cats after flowers, then it is important that they both have a soft demeanor. If one of your cats is aggressive and another is shy, then give them pair of cat names that reflect their behavior.
It is also important to make sure that the names match each other as well as they match your personalities. This can be tricky because some words just don’t work with others. For example, if you have two kittens named Cindy and Lisa, then it may not be a good idea to add another girl named Mandy into the mix.
When thinking about how to choose great cat names for pairs, it is important to choose names that fit both of them well but also sound good together.
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Twin Cat Names
Are you a owner who’s welcomed two new additions to your household? Purr-fect! To make naming doubly easy, why not consider finding a pair of cat names that work for your new friends. Same gender or mixed pair cats suggest a variety of wonderful twin cat names based on people, personality traits, food and appearance.
Here are Some of the Best Ideas for Naming a Pair of Cats…
- Adam and Eve – for the original pair of cats!
- Apples and Oranges – for two cats with very different personalities.
- Apples and Pears – for two cats with very different personalities – also English cockney rhyming slang for stairs!
- Archie and Jughead – for the comic book lovers!
- Babe and Ruth – after your favorite baseball player!
- Bach and Beethoven – for the pair who love classical music!
- Back and Forth – names for pair of cats who can’t stay still!
- Bacon and Eggs – for the pair that rise early!
- Ball and Chain – names for pair of cats that just won’t leave you alone!
- Bambi and Thumper – after the fawn and the rabbit from the Disney movie Bambi – good for a couple of cuties!
- Barnum and Bailey – name pairs for cats after the famous circus – good for the pair that like to show off!
- Baron and Baroness – for the pair with noble aspirations!
- Beau and Tie – play on the word bow-tie!
- Beauty and Beast – after the famous children’s story and movie – good if you have a pretty cat and one that’s not so good-looking!
- Beavis and Butthead – after the MTV bad boys!
- Ben and Jerry – after the famous ice-cream makers.
- Bert and Ernie – after the Sesame Street friends.
- Betty and Wilma – after the characters in The Flintstones!
- Big and Bad – for the pair of big cats in your life (or the small ones if you want to make a joke!)
- Black and White – need we say more!
- Bonnie and Clyde – got a couple of outlaws?
- Bread and Butter – for the pair that give you the best means of support!
- By and Large – name pairs for cats after the well known phrase.
- Cain and Abel – for brotherly cats with a biblical bent and a tendency to fight!
- Calvin and Hobbes – after the comic strip characters.
- Cha Cha and Rumba – names for pair of cats that like to dance.
- Chip and Dale – name pairs for cats after the chattering animated chipmunks – good for hyperactive cats that talk all the time!
- Coca and Cola – after your favorite soft drink!
- Coco and Chanel – after your favorite designer!
- Cookies and Cream – after your favorite chocolate bar!
- Copy and Cat – need we say more!
- Count and Countess – for the regal pair!
- Curt and Rod – play on curtain rod!
- Cut and Dry – after the well known phrase.
- David and Goliath – after the biblical characters – good for a large and small pair!
- Day and Night – names for pair of cats with very opposite personalities.
- Dot and Com – for the technical pair!
- Dot and Dash – after the Morse code signals – good for a small, energetic pair!
- Dow and Jones – names for pair of cats that like to play the markets!
- Duke and Duchess – for another noble pair!
- East and West – opposite points of the compass – for the pair who couldn’t be more different!
- Ebony and Ivory – for the black and white pair.
- Elvis and Priscilla – paired cat names for the original golden couple.
- Emperor and Empress – for the pair that rule the roost!
- Felix and Oscar – cat names for pairs after the characters in The Odd Couple – Felix will suit a tidy, fussy cat and Oscar a real slob!
- Fester and Lurch – after the Addams family characters.
- Filo and Fax – after the personal organizer!
- Footloose and Fancyfree – let’s face it, they’re going to do what they want anyway!
- Frank and Stein – play on Frankenstein.
- Fred and Barney – after the characters in The Flintstones.
- Gilligan and Skipper – cat names for pairs after the characters on the TV show Gilligan’s Island.
- Gin and Tonic – after your favorite drink!
- Ginger and Spice – for the ginger pair – your own pair of Spice Girls!
- Gomez and Morticia – for the weird pairing – after the characters in The Addams family.
- Grin and Barret – after the well known phrase – grin and bare it!
- Ham and Eggs – paired cat names for the pair of early risers or the Dr. Seuss fan!
- Hansel and Gretel – for the brother and sister pairing from the old fairy-tale.
- Harley and Davidson – names for pair of cats that like hogs!
- Hawkeye and BJ – after the pair of rascals from the TV series MASH
- Heads and Tails – names for pair of cats that like to gamble!
- Hello and Kitty – pair of cat names after the cute Japanese character!
- Hersheys and Kisses – after your favorite chocolate!
- High and Dry – pair of cat names for cats that get into scrapes and can’t get back out of them!
- Hit and Miss – names for pair of cats after the well known phrase.
- Hocus and Pocus – for the pair that can do disappearing tricks!
- Huey, Dewey and Louie – after Donald Duck’s three feisty nephews.
- Hugs and Kisses – for the more affectionate pair.
- Hunky and Dory – all’s right with their world!
- Hurly and Burly – for the pair that cause disaster!
- Hyper and Active – need we say more!
- Itchy and Scratchy – cat names for pairs after the cartoon characters watched by the Simpsons.
- Itty and Bitty – for the teeny pair.
- Itty, Bitty and Kitty – for the small trio!
- Jack and Jill – pair of cat names after the nursery rhyme characters.
- JD and Coke – for your favorite drink!
- Ken and Barbie – after the (in)famous dolly pair!
- Kermit and Miss Piggy – after the characters in The Muppets.
- King and Queen – for the pair that know exactly what the pecking order is!
- Kit and Caboodle – paired cat names for the pair that complete the whole picture.
- Lady and Tramp – names for pair of cats after the cats in the Disney movie The Lady and The Tramp.
- Lock, Stock and Barrel – for the trio that complete your life!
- Lord and Lady – pair of cat names for the pair that are a cut above!
- Mavis and Johnny – pair in Hotel Transylvania series and movies.
- Marsh and Mallow – pair of cat names for the pair of soppy cats!
- Me and Too – for the cats that do everything together!
- Mee and Yow – for the pair that think you’re speaking their language!
- Mew and Two – names for pair of cats after the popular Pokemon character.
- Moet and Chandon – after your favorite drink!
- Mork and Mindy – names for pair of cats after the popular TV show
- Mr and Mrs – for the pair with a long-term commitment!
- Mumbo and Jumbo – for the senseless pair!
- Mungo and Jerrie after the band – also after one of TS Eliot’s characters in Old Possum’s Book of Practical cats.
- Mutt and Jeff – after the British cockney rhyming slang for deaf.
- Napoleon and Josephine – after the famous lovers.
- North and South – opposite points of the compass – for the pair who couldn’t be more different!
- Peaches and Cream – for the pair of sweeties!
- Pepsi and Cola – after your favorite soft drink!
- Pins and Needles – paired cat names for the pair with claws!
- Plus and Minus – good for a fat and thin combination!
- Prince and Princess – another regal combination.
- Pussy and Galore – after the James Bond character!
- Redhot, Chilli and Pepper – for the ginger colored threesome!
- Ren and Stimpy – after the oddball TV animation.
- Riff and Raff – after Heathcliff’s friend in the cartoon series.
- Righty and Lefty – for your complete pair!
- Rocky and Bullwinkle – after the popular cartoon series.
- Romeo and Juliet – after the star-crossed lovers.
- Rough and Tumble – for the boisterous pair.
- Serena and Venus – after the famous tennis playing sisters.
- Si and Am – cat names for pairs after the Siamese cats in the Disney movie.
- The Lady and The Tramp – good for the Siamese pair!
- Slinky and Malinki – names for pair of cats after the famous children’s book character – for the pair that are always getting into trouble!
- So, Sue and Me – trio of names for the lawyer!
- Spick and Span – pair of cat names for the tidy pair!
- Storming and Norman – after the Gulf War General.
- Sugar and Spice – pair of cat names for the cute pair.
- Sweet and Sour – for the pair with opposite personalities.
- Terra and Firma – for the pair with their paws on the ground!
- Thomas and Thomasina – for the male and female twins.
- Tic and Tac – names for pair of cats good for a couple of small cats.
- To and Me – for the pair you’d like to show some obedience.
- Tom and Jerry – cat names for pairs after the famous cartoon pair!
- Up and Atem – paired cat names for the more ferocious pair – up and at them!
- Won and Ton – names for pair of cats after your favorite Chinese food.
- Wanda and Wayne – are werewolves (wife and husband) of the Hotel Transylvania movie.
- Winnie and Sunny – werewolf pups in Hotel Transylvania movie.
- Ying and Yang – for the pair with the perfect philosophical center – good for oriental breeds!
Female Cat Names For Pairs
There are many ways to come up with twin cat names for two female cats. You can use their color or coat pattern as inspiration, or create a theme based on the type of food they like to eat. Other ideas include using your own name or that of a loved one, or just choosing something you think sounds cute!
- Cleo and Cleopatra
- Coco and Coco Chanel
- Cherry Pie and Sugar Pie
- Daisy and Lily
- Alice and Ally
- Amy and Samy
- Anna and Annie
- Baby and Babu
- Belle and Bella
- Bunny and Bunnie
- Buttercup and Blossom
- Cat and Catty
- Cherry Pie and Sugar Pie
- Cotton Tail and Fluff Balls
- Cupcake and Muffin
- Diane and Dianna
- Athena and Afrodita
- Emmie and Emma
- Ginger and Spice
- Kitty and Kitten
- Lola and Lolly
- Dolly and Polly
- Dotty and Dottie
- Frida and Frieda
- Goldilocks and Ginger
Male Cat Names For Pairs
Male twin cats can have the same names as female twin cats, but there are also some other paired cat names options. For example, you might want to consider using two different types of food or two colors that go together well. Or go with a theme like history, famous movies, famous names. Here are some ideas for twin cat names for two male cats:
- Abbott and Costello
- Abraham and Issac
- Abraham and Moses
- Amos and Andy
- Arthur and Merlin
- Batman and Robin
- Beavis and Butthead
- Bilbo and Frodo
- Bugsy and Mugsy
- Cain and Abel
- Cisco and Pancho
- David and Goliath
- Dow and Jones
- Fred and Barney
- Frodo and Samwise
- Harley and Davidson
- Holmes and Watson
- Plato and Socrates
- Romulus and Remus
- Tom and Huck
- Tom and Jerry
Brother and Sister Cat Names
You got a brother and sister cats, here are fun pair of cat names ideas that go together.
- Zeus and Hera
- Mickey and Minnie
- Love and Honor
- Lois and Clark
- Homer and Marge
- Jam and Jelly
- King and Queen
- Rise and Shine
- Ozzie and Harriet
- Napoleon and Josephine
- Dharma and Greg
- Elvis and Priscilla
- Fred and Ginger
- Monica and Chandler
- Mary and Joseph
- Lord and Lady
- Lady and Tramp
- Scully and Mulder
- Ross and Rachel
- Prince and Princess
- Popeye and Olive
Cat Names For Pairs
If you’re looking for names for pairs of cats, there are a lot of options. To narrow it down, we’ve put together a list of our favorite pair cat names.
- Moth and Flame
- Mufasa and Sarabi
- Mumbo and Jumbo
- Trust and Honesty
- Tweedledum and Tweedledee
- Upsy and Daisy
- Venus and Mars
- Flopsy and Mopsy
- Flora and Fauna
- Foot Loose and Fancy Free
- Dow and Jones
- Duke and Duchess
- East and West
- Eb and Flo
- Martin and Lewis
- Mary and Joseph
- Mary Kate and Ashley
- Mason and Dixon
- Thunder and Lightning
- Thurston and Lovey
- Tick and Tock
- Timon and Pumbaa
- To and Fro
- Tom and Huck
- Lucy and Desi
- Lucy and Ethel
- Lucy and Linus
- Luke and Leia
- David and Goliath
- Dawn and Twilight
- Day and Night
- Denise and DeNephew
- Dharma and Greg
Funny Twin Cat Names
Think about what kind of cat you want your kitties to be. Is he a lap-cat? A cuddler? Or maybe a bit of both? Choose names that reflects their personality. Kittens are first very, very cute, and second, kittens are funny. Well, here are funny cat names for twin cats.
- Cat and Canary
- Cat and Mouse
- Bright and Early
- Bow and Arrow
- Give and Take
- Now and Then
- Heads and Tails
- Back and Forth
- Rhythm and Blues
- Safe and Sound
- C3PO and R2D2
- Coca and Cola
- Lefty and Righty
- Lock and Load
- Live and Learn
- Wit and Wisdom
- Upsy and Daisy
- Sweet and Sour
- Rock and Roll
Food Twin Cat Names
Food is always good for inspiration when it comes to pair of cats names, especially for twin cat names. Here are some cute and funny ideas:
- Nacho and Cheese
- Bread and Butter
- Salt and Pepper
- Nacho and Chip
- Ham and Cheese
- Ham and Eggs
- Peaches and Cream
- Sugar and Spice
- Peanut Butter and Jelly
- Popcorn and Candyfloss
- Popcorn and Peanuts
- Bacon and Eggs
- Apple and Orange
- Lamb and Chop
- Fish and Chips
3 Kitten Names That Go Together
If you got 3 new kittens then these trio cat names will be perfect.
- Ace, Deuce, and Trey
- April, May and June
- Arthur, Lancelot and Guenevere
- Bart, Lisa and Maggie
- Bell, Book, and Candle
- Butch, Jimmy and Joe
- Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos
- Earth, Wind and Fire
- Faith, Hope and Charity
- Hook, Line and Sinker
- Hop, Skip, and Jump
- Huey, Duey and Louie
- Jesus, Mary and Joseph
- Larry, Curly and Moe
- Larry, Shemp and Moe
- Life, Love, and Laughter
- Lion, Witch and Wardrobe
- Love, Honor and Cherish
- Luke, Leia and Han
- Mickey, Donald and Goofy
- Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria
- Oliver Twist, Artful Dodger, and Fagan
- Peter, Paul, and Mary
- Sharon, Lois and Bram
- Sneak, Snoop and Snitch
- Veni, Vidi and Vici
- Win, Place and Show
- Winken, Blinken, and Nod
- Zsa Zsa, Ava, and Magda
4 Kitten Names That Go Together
You know what’s better than one kitten? Two kittens.
And you know what’s even better than two kittens? Four kittens.
But how do you name them all? Well, we’ve got the perfect solution: these 4 Kitten Names That Go Together.
- Earth, Wind, Fire and Water
- Eeny, Meeny, Miney and Mo
- Eeny, Meeny, Miney and Ralph (don’t want no mo’)
- John, Paul, George, and Ringo
- Luke, Leia, Han and Chewbacca
- Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
- October, Matilda The Witch, Candy Corn, and Jackolantern
- Toby, Tilly, Candy, and Jack
How To Choose Perfect Cat Names For Pairs
There are many different breeds of cats. There are also so many names for cats, but the names don’t have to be the same for both cats. If you have two cats, then why not give them different cat names?
Here are some ideas for naming your pair of cats:
1. Nicknames: If you have two cats that have similar personalities and looks, then it would be a good idea to give them nicknames that match their personalities. For example if one of your cats is timid and shy, but another is bold and adventurous, then you could call them shy cat and adventurous cat. This way people will know exactly which cat is which!
2. Colors: You could also name your pair after colors like red and blue or green and yellow. This way if someone sees your pets together they will know exactly which one is which!
3. Opposites: If one of your pets isn’t very friendly with other animals or people, then it might be better to name this one something like grumpy cat or cranky kitty!
Why Two Or More Cats Are Better Than One
You’ve got two cats. Now what?
You’re not alone. More and more pet owners are getting themselves into the cat-ownership game, and bringing two kittens home at once is the most fun way to do it. But where do you start?
First, let’s talk about why you should get two in the first place. It’s not just because they’ll be cute together (though they will be). There are lots of benefits to having a pair of kittens:
1) They keep each other company when you’re away from home, so they’ll never feel lonely or neglected
2) They’ll keep each other entertained and active while you’re at work or school—no more napping all day!
3) They can play together, so there will always be something fun going on around your house