Searching for Hamster Names?
A good Hamster Name is an important bonding step after providing a new pet hamster with a loving home, buying a nice cage, bedding and food to keep it healthy and happy.
If Hammy isn’t unique enough for you don’t fret, I’ve gathered some common hamster names by speaking to a few veterinarians and found quite a few unique and memorable hamster names to go with the classic names.
The best hamster names, in my opinion, reflect your hamster’s personality.
This is a mix of popular cute, funny, unique and original male and female hamster names.
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Female Hamster Names
Aggy | Izzy | Ginger |
Buttercup | Tricia | Lucy |
Cuddles | Flora | Daisy |
Donut | Snuggles | Misty |
Evie | Uma | Waffles |
Male Hamster Names
Domino | Poopsie | Muffin |
Echo | Jojo | Twinkle |
Alfie | Chewy | Dusty |
Houdini | Von Zoom | Gizmo |
Bandit | Fuzzy | Zippy |
Disney Hamster Names
Ariel | Sully |
Belle | Pluto |
Elsa | Olaf |
Tiana | Kristoff |
Merida | Stitch |
Anna | Genie |
Minnie | Gaston |
Jasmine | Roo |
Vanellope | Scar |
Aurora | Jafar |
Pokemon Hamster Names
Eevee | Snorlax |
Gardevoir | Charizard |
Dragonite | Ditto |
Sylveon | Mew |
Lugia | Lucario |
Vulpix | Arceus |
Lopunny | Togepi |
Leafeon | Umbreon |
Dialga | Bulbasaur |
Piplup | Faba |
Hamster Names from Games
Elysia | Globox |
Jade | Sonic |
Samus Aran | Zazz |
Peach | Myrphy |
Twila | Zavok |
Rikku | Luigi |
Lulu | Rayman |
Shantae | Link |
Amy Rose | Sub-Zero |
Lilith | Luigi |
Hamster Names from Movies
Gidget | Max |
Snowball | Duke |
Chloe | Norman |
Mel | Tiberius |
Bonnie Hops | Yax |
Olympia | Gideon Gray |
Tamecia | Norm |
Judy Hopps | Skipper |
Marlene | Mayor Lionheart |
Nala | Short Fuse |
Cute Boy Hamster Names
Here are the cutest hamster names for boys.
- Andrew
- Augustus
- Adam
- Brad
- Crisp
- Chip
- Darrel
- Dolby
- Egbert
- Englebert
- Erwin
- Frankie
- Farly
- Gavid
- Garret
- Harley
- Harold
- Indiana
- Irwin
- Jones
- Jack
- Kavin
- Kenny
- Kiener
- Lenny
- Levi
- Lanny
- Link
- Marvin
- Marty
- Marsh
- Markus
- Neville
- Nate
- Neilson
- Otto
- O’neil
- Panky
- Qwan
- Quinky
- Rodger
- Ralph
- Randal
- Sid
- Steve
- Tim
- Ted
- Timothy
- Tyler
- Tannar
- Tak
- Terk
- Tye
- Tip
- Victor
- Vincent
- William
- Willy
- Waldo
- Zing
- Zong
- Zavin
- Zim
Cutest Girl Hamster Names
These hamster names are some of the cutest hamster names for ladies.
- Amanda
- Amelia
- Amy
- Anastasia
- Andrea
- Angela
- Angelica
- Anna
- Annabell
- Anne
- Anthea
- April
- Ariel
- Audrey
- Amber
- Aproll
- Babs
- Binka
- Bing
- Barba
- Brenda
- Betty
- Blaze
- Barbie
- Bubbles
- Brandy
- Bonnie
- Bliss
- Bunty
- Butterfly
- Beth
- Billy
- Bluebell
- Betsy
- Bella
- Belsie
- Brook
- Britney
- Bon-Bon
- Beatrice
- Bertha
- Boudecia
- Beverly
- Becky
- Belinda
- Blink
- Camillia
- Carla
- Cara
- Caroline
- Cath
- Cassandra
- Catherine
- Cecilla
- Charity
- Cilla
- Charlotte
- Christy
- Cher
- Cherry
- Cheer
- Christmas
- Cinderella
- Clair
- Coral
- Cora
- Claudia
- Clover
- Colette
- Cleopatra
- Clarette
- Clarinet
- Comfort
- Clio
- Crystal
- Cresent
- Charis
- Cam
- Cake
- Caramel
- Daisy
- Dido
- Denise
- Diane
- Diana
- Demelda
- Dee
- Deodemonda
- Daniele
- Desire
- Dinah
- Donna
- Dorris
- Derry
- Ditza
- Dorothy
- Doreen
- Dasha
- Dolly
- Dreama
- Dot
- Darling
- Easter
- Edna
- Eillen
- Eleanor
- Elizabeth
- Ella
- Eliza
- Emerald
- Emily
- Emma
- Eb
- Ena
- Enid
- Enia
- Esther
- Ethel
- Ermintrude
- Eve
- Evelyn
- Elsa
- Elsie
- Elyssa
- Elisha
- Evelyn
- Freda
- Flyn
- Flora
- Fira
- Faye
- Foy
- Faith
- Fate
- Fizz
- Fortune
- Fawn
- Fern
- Fiona
- Fortuna
- Frayla
- Freya
- Gabriel
- Gal
- Gail
- Gillie
- Gold
- Gwyn
- Gemma
- Georgina
- Glenda
- Gladys
- Gina
- Gertrude
- Gillian
- Gloria
- Gwyneth
- Heli
- Holly
- Harriet
- Honey
- Helen
- Hannah
- Hazel
- Hilary
- Hippy
- Helga
- Hermione
- Hester
- Hally
- Harmony
- Hope
- Hunny
- Iona
- Irene
- Iris
- Isabel
- Imogen
- Isadora
- Ivy
- Ice
- Jacqueline
- Jaffa
- Jade
- Jamie
- Jane
- Janet
- Jasmin
- Jean
- Jemina
- Jenifer
- Jess
- Jessie
- Jill
- Joan
- Joel
- Jolee
- Josophine
- Joy
- Joyce
- Jubille
- Judith
- Julia
- June
- July
- Justine
- Janaruy
- Kelsey
- Kim
- Kimberley
- Kara
- Karla
- Karima
- Katherine
- Kay
- Kelia
- Kelly
- Kaira
- Krystan
- Katie
- Lara
- Lydia
- Lyn
- Linda
- Libby
- Laura
- Lauren
- Lassie
- Lee
- Louise
- Lou
- Layna
- Lindabell
- Lucy
- Laurina
- Loraine
- Louisa
- Lisie
- Lavender
- Lesley
- Linsey
- Lora
- La-La
- Lass
- Lilean
- Lupin
- Lana
- Lena
- Liberty
- Lina
- Mabel
- Magnolia
- Madeline
- Margaret
- Marigold
- Marillyn
- Marina
- Marni
- Marion
- Martha
- Mary
- Malita
- May
- Melanie
- Melissa
- Merry
- Michaela
- Molly
- Mona
- Minnie
- Mint
- Mandy
- Mill
- Maddy
- Maureen
- Maggie
- Marsha
- Mo
- Nickola
- Nicki
- Niggle
- Nat
- Nadia
- Nancy
- Naomi
- Natalie
- Nicola
- Nina
- Noreen
- Nikky
- Obediance
- Olivia
- Olympia
- Opal
- Oodlyn
- Orea
- Partricha
- Pertunia
- Pickle
- Pobble
- Pop
- Ping-Pong
- Polly
- Parsley
- Pepper
- Patty
- Paris
- Queen
- Queenie
- Quiie
- Rosemary
- Rachael
- Randa
- Roberta
- Rona
- Rose
- Rosebud
- Rosedale
- Ruby
- Ruth
- Rosalynda
- Rikki
- Rue
- Sada
- Sabrina
- Sally
- Samantha
- Sandra
- Santa
- Sarah
- Scarlet
- Sharon
- Shelia
- Shona
- Silver
- Sylvia
- Sparkle
- Spring
- Stacey
- Star
- Stella
- Stephanie
- Storm
- Sunny
- Susan
- Shelly
- Toffee
- Tracy
- Treakle
- Taffy
- Tao
- Tara
- Theresa
- Tiffany
- Tinkle
- Tanna
- Tammy
- Tralala
- Valentine
- Vanessa
- Vera
- Valerie
- Venus
- Veronica
- Victoria
- Viola
- Violet
- Virginia
- Vivien
- Venice
- Vikki
- Walda
- Wanda
- Welcome
- Wendy
- Wilma
- Wendilyn
- Wika
- Zada
- Zara
- Zaza
- Zea
- Zenda
- Zata
- Zeira
- Zila
- Ziona
- Zila
- Zoe
- Zola
- Zona
- Zora
- Zelda
Funny Hamster Names
Hamsters are funny little creatures. If you have a comedian by your side than a funny name would be perfect choice. Here are some of the funny hamster names.
- Buster
- Crazy
- Friar Jack
- Jammer
- Mug
- Octopus
- Pan
- Tin Tin
- Abba
- Bang
- Bear
- Shorty
- Fancy
- Fountain
- Honor
- Beast
- King Kong
- Runner
Syrian Hamster Names
Syrian hamsters are probably the most popular pet hamsters. We made a list of Syrian hamster names for your name inspiration.
- Amber
- Apollo
- Bagpuss
- Bandit
- Bongo
- Bonnie
- Buddy
- Cameo
- Caramel
- Chutney
- Cloudy
- Cola
- Custard
- Daisy
- Dandy
- Delta
- Duster
- Einstein
- Ella
- Elsa
- Flash
- Fluff
- George
- Ginger-nut
- Herbert
- Hippy
- Honey
- Hopper
- Jelly
- Jet
- Justin
- Kendal
- Lemonade
- Lucky
- Max
- Meg
- Merlin
- Mighty
- Niblet
- Nutty
- Oak
- Oboe
- Ogre
- Pen
- Perky
- Pet
- Quack
- Quake
- Roger
- Rump
- Rust
- Scamp
- Scarlet
- Scarper
- Tango
- Tinker
- Volley
- Vosper
- Waddle
Dwarf Hamster Names
Dwarf hamsters are the smallest of all hamsters and are one of the cutest. Here are fun names for dwarf hamsters.
- Aquarius
- Arnie
- Beckham
- Bella
- Bianca
- Bleep
- Chipples
- Chops
- Chuckles
- Cookie
- Cosmo
- Cowboy
- Cracker
- Dinky
- Dippy
- Dixie
- Dopey
- Gizmo
- Guinea
- Gus
- Inca
- Kid
- Lazy
- Lemon
- Lucy
- Magnet
- Mint
- Mist
- Munch
- Munchies
- Nibbler
- Nibbles
- Onion
- Orange
- Peanut
- Piggy
- Pimple
- Pinkie
- Soot
- Speedy
- Stump
- Twix
- Twinkle
- Xenon
- Yak
Unique Hamster Names
If your hamster is all unique and there is no hamster in the world that is similar to yours then some special unique hamster names are required. Here is a list of unique names for hamsters.
- Booger
- Boots
- Brute
- Cheesy
- Chomper
- Chubby
- Chubs
- Claws
- Cruncher
- Cuddles
- Curly
- Cutie
- Digger
- Dopey
- Dreamer
- Drooley
- Dumper
- Dumpy
- Fatty
- Flamer
- Floppy
- Fluffy
- Foxy
- Furry
- Fuzzball
- Fuzzy
- Genius
- Giggles
- Goober
- Goofy
- Howlie
- Jumper
- Kackles
- Leader
- Licks
- Milky
- Nosy
- Nutty
- Poopy
- Poser
- Prancer
- Prissy
- Scratchy
- Shadow
- Sleepy
- Slobbers
- Smarty
- Smiley
- Smokey
- Sniffy
- Socks
- Softy
- Space Case
- Spanky
- Spaz
- Spot
- Spunky
- Squeeks
- Stinker
- Stripes
- Teenie
- Tiger
- Toothy
- Tweek
- Waddles
- Whiner
- Woofer
- Wrinkles
Hamster Names From Movies and Cartoons
A lot of people also take cartoon names or names of animals/characters from movies that the owner really likes and as names for hamsters.
Tigger, Obi-Wan-Kenobi, Pluto, and Dora are excellent names for new hamsters!
In situations where you have multiple hamsters some popular choices could be Bill and Holly or Tom and Jerry.
A final key piece to remember when naming your hamster is to be mindful of the gender of the hamster.
If you do not know the gender then the name can be anything but if you do know the gender, then sticking with gender specific names is way more fun.
All of the names previously mentioned are mostly boy names but some could work for female too.
Here are famous pet names that could be great as hamster names.
- Astro
- Bowser
- Bullwinkle
- Buster
- Clifford
- Cujo
- Falcor
- Fido
- Fluffy
- Garfield
- Goofy
- Gromit
- Horton
- Jerry
- Lad
- Lady
- Ladybird
- Lassie
- McGruff
- Mr. Peabody
- Nanook
- Odie
- Oliver
- Otis
- Paddington
- Pluto
- Ren
- Rin Tin Tin
- Rocky
- Scooby Doo
- Spike
- Spot
- Stimpy
- Tom
- Toto
- Tramp
Funny Names For Hamsters
Here are some two word funny names for hamsters you and your hammy will surely like.
- Furry Wookie
- Shaggy Sweetums
- Squeeky Cuddles
- Speedy Cuddles
- Rocky Fuzzbutt
- Buster Sweetheart
- Cheeky Wookie
- Funky Niblets
- Big Snickerdoodle
- Chu Chu Munchkin
- Cool Porkchop
- Pokey Paws
- Spud Whiskers
- Misty Munchkin
- Big Paws
- Squeeky Little Guy
- Misty Cookie
- Little Buddy
- Thunder Twinkles
- Punky Cookie
- Pokey Sweetums
- Thumper Cookie
- Sugar Paws
- Masked Niblets
- Cheeky Homeboy
- Fluffy Stinker
- Pokey Bear
- Bubble Twinkles
Hamster Names For Pairs
Hamsters don’t like to be alone and is recommended to get at least 2 hamsters. And it’s much more fun to have more than one hamster. Here are hamster names that would match 2 or more hamsters.
- Abe & Lincon
- Adam & Eve
- Aristotle & Plato
- Bambi & Thumper
- Beaver & Wally
- Buttons & Bows
- Bonnie & Clyde
- Cagney & Lacey
- Champagne & Caviar
- Chip & Dale
- Cracker & Jack
- Dixie & Pixie
- Duke & Duchess
- Edith & Archie
- Fred & Ethel
- George & Gracie
- Ginger and Mary Ann
- Hansel & Gretel
- Heaven & Earth
- Hip & Hop
- Humpty & Dumpty
- Jessie & James
- King & Queen
- Lady & Tramp
- Lavern & Shirley
- Lois & Clark
- Lord & Lady
- Macaroni & Cheese
- Mork & Mindy
- Muchacha & Muchacho
- Micky & Minnie
- Milo & Otis
- Nice & Sweet
- Oscar & Emmy
- Ozzie & Harriet
- Pebbles & Bam Bam
- Petey & Pedro
- Peter Pan & Tinkerbell
- Pooh & Piglet
- Razzle & Dazzle
- Robin Hood & Maid Marian
- Rough & Tumble
- Salt & Pepper
- Sir & Maam
- Stan & Ollie
- Sunny & Cher
- Tiffany & Cartier
- Tonto & Lone Ranger
- Topsy & Turvy
- Victoria & Secrets
- Wilma & Betty
- Zig & Zag
How to Choose a Name for Your New Hamster
If you prefer to come up with your own hamster names, there are several ways to do this.
Try looking at the color of your hamster’s fur.
If the color is white for example, you may want to call your hammy, ‘Whitey.’
Another favorite way to name hamsters, or any other pet for that matter, is to think of a favorite snack food.
For example, if your hamster is black and white, and if you like Oreo cookies, you can name your hamster ‘Oreo!’
Last but not least, try looking at your hamster’s other characteristics.
For example if your hamster seems smaller than the rest of it’s litter mates, you can call him or her ‘Tiny,’ or even ‘Runty.’
Its really up to you.
Choose Your Hamster’s Name Wisely
As we all know, once we have been named (by our parent/guardian(s)) and by no choice of our own, we are stuck with the name he/she/they provides us forever!
The same rule holds true for hamsters.
Great thought should be put into deciding what to name your new pet hamster(s).
After all, the name is a name that you have to refer to the little furry animal for the rest of his life so it works best when you love the name too!
Choose a Name That Reflects His Behavior
Unless you are certain what you want to name your little furry friend, the best advice is to bring home the new pet and allow him to be ‘nameless’ for a few days while you observe his/her general demeanor throughout each day.
It is pretty much a guarantee that something he/she does during those first few days in his new home will trigger a fantastic name.
For instance, let us assume that on day two of having your new hamster you notice he hops a lot.
A resulting, cute and easy to remember name could be Hoppity, Hoppy or Hops because all of those names remind you and others that your hamster must like to hop like a bunny!
Choose a Name That Resembles The Color Of Your Hamster
Another rather simple tactic to take on when naming a hamster is to just be plain and have the name resemble the hamster’s color.
This happened to be my tactic growing up. It is not entirely creative but it works.
For instance, if your hamster is gold in color, a perfect name is Goldie.
Or maybe the hamster is peach, in which case Peaches is super!
Hamster Names From People Names
Many people even refer to their hamsters with names of real people.
It seems ironic but it also works fabulously.
Glenn makes a very good hamster name, as does Bob or Greg (assuming the hamster is a boy!)!
Hamsters Make the Best Portable Pet
There are 25 species of hamsters of which 5 are considered excellent pets.
Hamsters resemble a small rodent with a furry coat, small ears, short legs, and wide feet.
They are typically black, grey, honey, white, brown, yellow, red, or mixed depending on species, some even have a stripe on their back.
The average hamster lives 2-3 years in captivity and make excellent pets.
Each hamster type has traits unique to their breed and most prefer a solitary life.
Hamsters are gatherers, mostly nocturnal and territorial in nature.
Contrary to popular belief Hamsters don’t have a natural body odor.
If their cage is cleaned regularly there is virtually no detectable odor which is partly why they make good pets.
It is also partly because they are so darned cute!
Hamster’s Short History
Their existence has been documented in the wild dating back to the 1700’s but it is only relatively recently that they have become pets on a large scale.
In 1948 a highway engineer by the name of Albert Marsh domesticated Syrian hamsters and introduced them to the world as pets.
Since then their popularity as family pets has greatly increased and their use in scientific research has greatly decreased.
Besides being hoarders and extremely cute, they are prolific breeders so keeping a male and female in the same cage is not recommended, unless you want a litter of pups (name for babies) in about three weeks.
Perhaps you have recently purchased a hamster, or are planning on getting one soon.
Whatever the case, one of the most important things you’ll want to do is think of a good name.
Whether you prefer Syrian hamsters (aka Teddy Bear or Golden hamsters), or dwarf hamsters, there are a lot of cute hamster names out there, and this site will help you to find the perfect one for your little pet!