Small, furry, quiet, domesticated, low-maintenance and come in a variety of colors – what else can you ask for from a pet? All these facts apply to one of the most popular breeds of rabbits in the world: the Netherland Dwarf Rabbits.
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Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Size and Appearance
As the name implies, this breed originated from the Netherlands and they are a lot smaller than other rabbit breeds.
Dutch rabbits are small. By age of 4 to 5 weeks, they reach no more than 1 ft and do not get any bigger.
Short and gentle hair saves much grooming and facilitates care. They weigh only 2 lbs.
According to the American Rabbit Breeders Association, there are more than 45 different rabbit breeds today and the Netherland Dwarf is the smallest from the lot.
Netherland Dwarf rabbits are the most variedly-colored breed of rabbits, with almost 24 different color varieties available.
Unlike their larger counterparts, Netherland Dwarf rabbits have a very unique look.
Their eyes are small and bold; they have furry ears; a small and compact body; and the fur is soft yet dense to the touch.
Netherland Dwarfs Temperament
What is interesting about Netherland Dwarf rabbits, are their energy and activeness.
Although compact in size, they are very agile and sly.
They are great runaway artists and all it takes to find the cage empty is just a failure to properly lock the cage and a half-minute distraction.
Netherland dwarfs are relatively hardy and they can be kept outdoors.
Good temperament and disposition make the Dutch a wonderful choice for rabbit lovers from all walks of life.
Because of their small size and delicate structure dwarf rabbits tend to be a little more skittish and more likely to exhibit aggressive behavior when they think they are being threatened.
No, you don’t think that anything you do can be considered threatening, but because they are much smaller than other domesticated pet rabbits they tend to feel more threatened simply because of their size.
Netherland Dwarf Rabbits Colors
There are more than 20 varieties of the breed and they come in different colors: white, black, blue, red, chocolate, Chinchilla, lilac, opal, Californian, castor, lynx, sable and seal.
They may come in various colors, but there is a distinctive color pattern only intrinsic to this particular breed: all Netherland dwarf rabbits have a white band around the forequarter and a white marking on the face.
Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Facts
Netherland Dwarf Rabbit is first reared by the owner for some time till they acquire the minimum size and age that they can be separated from the mother.
They are fed on a special diet at these early stages since unlike what other rabbits feed on; vegetables tend to bring them health problems.
Thus leafy vegetables such as lettuce and cabbages should be avoided at all costs.
Any person rearing Netherland Dwarf Rabbits should be aware of this fact. After about six months from date of delivery the rabbits are ready for sale.
They are very good pets both for young children and adults alike.
Their small size and beauty makes them highly adorable to be kept as pets. Besides they eat very little and keeping them is quite inexpensive.
Regular grooming to remove loose hairs is advised and you need to make sure that the temperature in the room where they are kept is neither too high nor too low.
Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Life Span
On average, the Netherland Dwarf rabbit’s life span is 5 to 6 years – and about 10 years if they are neutered early.
Netherland Dwarf Rabbits Origin
The dwarf rabbit is actually a variety of domestic European rabbit.
These rabbits are much smaller than other rabbit breeds so they much sought after as pet rabbits and show rabbits.
The dwarf rabbit was originally bred as pet in the Netherlands, but because of their popularity, they quickly moved into the US and other European markets.
Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Care
Dwarf rabbits require the same care as their bigger relatives.
They need fresh food and water everyday, a clean cage that is 5 times larger than they are, plenty of affection, exercise, and attention, and other amenities.
Dwarf rabbits are infection vulnerable and mischievous and, therefore to diligently care for them is necessary.
The enclosure requires regular cleaning. That will help to prevent foot sores and infection.
Because of their smaller size, dwarf rabbits eat less and take up less space, but keep in mind that you will need to get a more careful eye on their whereabouts…you don’t want to stumble upon your dwarf rabbit in an unfortunate way.
Regular grooming to remove loose hairs is advised and you need to make sure that the temperature in the room where they are kept is neither too high nor too low.
Dwarf rabbits need protection from direct sunrays and drafts.
On average, the Netherland Dwarf rabbit’s life span is 5 to 6 years – and about 10 years if they are neutered early.
Keeping a Netherland Dwarf Rabbit in a House or Apartment
Dwarf rabbits often use their claws and incisor teeth on furniture, electric cords and other household items.
Such behavior can be frustrating, but it is natural for the animals. It must not be allowed, but there must be toys and objects in the house for dwarf rabbits to exercise these behaviors.
It is necessary to allow occasional free home runs, because Dwarf rabbits, like all other rabbits are energetic and freedom loving.
What Do Netherland Dwarf Rabbits Eat?
Proper diet is crucial.
Dwarf rabbits’ digestive system is even more sensitive than that of other rabbits.
To feed Netherland Dwarf rabbits, you can use the rabbit pellets which are available in pet feeds stores.
Pellets must be stored in a refrigerator.
After 8 weeks of storage, they tend to lose nutrients and therefore shouldn’t be fed to rabbits.
You can also use freshly rinsed green veggies and fruits to supplement their diet.
Young rabbits mustn’t be given vegetables, because they may trigger digestion disturbances.
If you introduce a new treat, wait 24 hours to check for diarrhea.
If the Dwarf rabbit does well, you may continue to treat the animal to the product.
It is always easier to prevent a hazard than to deal with it.
Illnesses will inevitably occur.
All Dwarf rabbits require constant medical care and examination.
Improper Handling of Netherland Dwarf Rabbits
Netherland Dwarf rabbits have a very fragile skeleton.
Therefore, improper handling may cause spinal traumas, dislocations and fractures.
For that reason, small children should not be permitted to handle Netherland Dwarf rabbits.
Dwarf rabbits are very cautious and it is very easy to unknowingly frighten a rabbit.
If frightened, it may struggle frantically to escape and thus receive wounds and traumas.
An extreme caution is needed when introducing other pets, because even a small scratch by a cat may bring on a lethal outcome.
Netherland Dwarf Rabbits in Breeding Age
Perhaps the only problem that you will have as far as the behavior of the Netherland Dwarf rabbit is concerned is a change in their habits when breeding age comes.
If you keep your rabbits for purposes other than breeding, they should be altered in due time.
This will help to prevent annoying sexually motivated tricks, like urine spraying, aggression, fighting and mounting.
Females are likely to show false pregnancy symptoms and behavior, like digging at soft materials, as if preparing to build a nest.
During this stage, they might become less agreeable and protective of their cage. After the breeding age, however, things should quickly go back to normal between you and your pet.
Where to Buy Netherland Dwarf Rabbits
When looking for the perfect pet rabbit, a dwarf rabbit is certainly a cute and cuddly choice. Because dwarf rabbits are smaller and more delicate, you will want to purchase one from a reputable breeder, pet store, or show association.
All over the world Netherland Dwarf Rabbits are available to buying. With regard to proximity to a seller you can just visit the seller’s premises and buy the rabbits for yourself. This is quite convenient since you actually get to see the actual rabbit and hence make the best decision.
Since there are many people and even organizations offering Netherland Dwarf Rabbits you need to check out as many sites as possible so that you can get the best bargain while making the purchase.
Buying a dwarf rabbit online or through the local newspaper is a bad idea. You never know what condition the rabbit was raised in or what kind of temperament it has.
When purchasing from a pet store and breeder, they will have information for you regarding the ancestry of the pet rabbit and its temperament. Getting pet rabbits for free from a friend of a friend is okay if they can be trusted, but with pet rabbits as delicate as dwarf rabbits, you may want to steer clear due to chance of illness and genetic defect.
Dwarf rabbits are truly exceptional pet rabbits that can add years of laughter, love, and fun to your home. Now that you have tips on finding and caring for a dwarf pet rabbit, you can buy with confidence. Spread the love and buy a dwarf rabbit for your new loving pet.
Dwarf Rabbits – Holland Lop
The Holland Lop was the result of an attempt by Adrian DeCock to produce a mini French Lop by crossbreeding of The Netherland Dwarf with the French Lop (1949).
Of all lop-eared rabbits this is the smallest one.
The coloring varies from pure fawn, broken fawn, black and white to tortoise shell.
There are also Blue, Blue Tortoise, Broken Smoke Pearl and Red Holland Lops. English Lop rabbits have remarkably long and wide ears, which demand particular care.