If you are tired of old names for goldfish such as ‘Rex’, ‘Fluffy’, ‘Blaze’, then you should take a look at our list of unique funny goldfish names.
You can select any of these fantastic goldfish names for your loving pet, taking into consideration the nature of your goldfish.
Thinking of gold fish names based on their personality or colors would be a good starting point as well
When there comes a time to select the name for your pet goldfish, Petsium definitely gives a wide choice of names for goldfish.
You want name that will suit your Goldfish. One thing you might want to do is to watch your fish for a day or two before picking a name.
You may notice that your gold fish has a particular trait or strange habit.
You might notice that he swims in certain way or that he likes a particular area of his new home.
Once a Goldfish is settled colors will become more vibrant.
Seeing the actual color of your goldfish, may help you to select a name.
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Top Goldfish Names
Here is a list of top 10 pet goldfish names that will help you choose a name for your cute Goldfish:
- Fluffy
- Nemo
- Doodles
- Kandy
- Pepsi
- Jin
- Neon
- Jil
- Kate
- Sprite
Female Goldfish Names
If you got yourself a stylish Goldfish girl here are some cute female goldfish names.
- Ariel
- Bubbles
- Elly
- Girgle
- Pearl
- Freshy
- Goldie
- Klara
- Marilla
- Marina
- Sally
- Slippery
- Squishy
- Tiddles
- Zeena
Male Goldfish Names
Here are some more manly names for Goldfish, 23 male Goldfish names to be exact.
- Buddy
- Bugeyed
- Burt
- Courageous
- Crabby
- Dinner
- Fishy
- Glubby
- Jumpie
- Lion
- Lunch
- Oscar
- Piglet
- Ponder
- Pudgey
- Ralph
- Reefer
- Salty
- Sharkie
- Slimey
- Tanker
- TJ
- Victor
Funny Goldfish Names Inspired by Pop Culture
When you’re looking for funny goldfish names, it’s important to consider all the pop culture references that have become ingrained in our daily lives.
- Fish Marley (Bob Marley)
- Swim Shady (Eminem)
- Goldie Hawn
- Fishy Cent (50 Cent)
- Fin Diesel (Vin Diesel)
- Gill-ian Anderson (Gillian Anderson)
- Gilly Idol (Billy Idol)
- Bubbles McGee (Scrubs)
- Captain Swim Sparrow (Captain Jack Sparrow)
- Finona Ryder (Winona Ryder)
- Swim Kardashian (Kim Kardashian)
- Meryl Streepfin (Meryl Streep)
- Gill Clinton (Bill Clinton)
- Fishie Smalls (Biggie Smalls)
- Goldie Locks
- Swimcer Tracy (Spencer Tracy)
- Gill Gates (Bill Gates)
- Goldie Prawn (Goldie Hawn)
- Swimothy Leary (Timothy Leary)
- Finny DeVito (Danny DeVito)
Funny Names for Goldfish
Is your goldfish goofy. Here is a list of funny Goldfish names:
- Booby
- Gup Gup
- Stick
- Squirt
- Googer
- Tiger
- Razor
- Cowboy
- Puppy
- Spot
- Sushi
- Wanda
- Bubbles
- Nemo
- Gills
- Finley
- Splash
- Betty
- Flounder
- Goldie
- Swimmy
- Dory
- Jaws
- Doodle
- Guppy
- Bruce
- Flipper
- Squirt
- Moby
- Coral
- Bubblegum
- Seaweed
- Ariel
- Neptune
- Cleo
- Oscar
- Bubblewrap
- Splashy
- Scales
- Marlin
- Jelly
- Bubba
- Fintastic
- Tuna
- Snappy
- Flapjack
- Shelly
- Splashy McSplashface
- Jawsome
- Wiggles
- Bait
- Scaley
- Picasso
- Fizz
- Seabiscuit
- Swimmy McSwimface
- Finneas
- Glimmer
- Flippers
- Claws
- Glimpse
- Baitly
- Glimmering
- Scalez
- Wavy
- Nemo Jr.
- Finley McFinface
- Bubble
- Splish
- Finneas McFinface
- Glimpsey
- Fizzles
- Flappy
- Shimmer
- Swimmy McSwimmerson
- Scaly
- Glimpser
GoldFish Punny Names
Here are some punny names for Golsdfish:
- Baitly McBaitface
- Picassofish
- Fizz McFizzface
- Seabiscuit Jr.
- Scaley McScaleface
- Glimmer McGlimmerson
- Finley McFinleyson
- Bubbles McBubbleface
- Splish McSplishface
- Finneas McFinneason
- Glimpsey McGlimpseface
- Fizzles McFizzlesface
- Flappy McFlapface
- Shimmer McShimmerson
- Swimmy McSwimface Jr.
- Scaly McScaleface
- Glimpser McGlimpseface
- Baitly McBaitface Jr.
- Picassofish Jr.
- Fizz McFizzface Jr.
- Seabiscuit III
- Scaley McScaleface Jr.
- Glimmer McGlimmerson Jr.
- Finley McFinleyson Jr.
- Bubbles McBubbleface Jr.
- Splish McSplishface Jr.
- Finneas McFinneason Jr.
- Glimpsey McGlimpseface Jr.
- Fizzles McFizzlesface Jr.
- Flappy McFlapface Jr.
- Shimmer McShimmerson Jr.
- Swimmy McSwimface III
- Scaly McScaleface Jr.
Related: Pink Fish Names
Goldfish Names Inspired by Gems or Colors
Gems are beautiful stones and they come in beautiful colors. Why not use some of these gems as goldfish names.
- Jet
- Ruby
- Indigo
- Rose
- Jade
- Garnet
- Cherry
- Lapis
- Shiden
Fictional Characters Goldfish Names
Fictional characters from movies and cartoons are always a good choice when looking for goldfish names. Here are some popular names that could be used as a gold fish name.
- Rambo
- Dory
- Mulan
- Nemo
- Moby Dick
- Bubbles
- Ariel
Gold fish Names from Gods and Goddesses
Names of gods are unique, strong and recognizable. Here are some names of gods that would be great goldfish names.
- Thor
- Zeus
- Jupiter
- Neptune
- Poseidon
- Aphrodite
- Venus
- Hades
- Athena
- Ares
- Apollo
- Artemis
- Aphrodite
- Trition
Goldfish Names Inspired By Sea Monsters
Sea monsters from mythology have some really unique names that would be great goldfish names.
- Kraken
- Hydra
- Cetus
- Nessie
- Scylla
- the Siren
- Calypso
Goldfish Names Fighting Style
Is your goldfish a fighter and enjoys showing off those karate and kung fu moves all over the aquarium.
- Ninja
- Kung Fu
- Genghis
- Khan
- Jackie or Jack Chan
- Bruce Lee
- Sun Tzu
- General Lee
Disney Goldfish Names
As with any other pet, Disney names are perfect. When it comes to goldfish names, believe it or not, there are only 3 genuine goldfish characters in Disney. At least that is what we found. But, to give you more Disney goldfish names we included some of the most popular fishes from Disney. Let’s see.
- Gilly the Goldfish – actual goldfish as the name implies
- Cleo – another genuine goldfish
- Bea Goldfishberg – again, as the name implies a real goldfish
- Angela Fishberger
- Anglerfish
- Marlin
- Mr. Codfish
- Big Bart
- Blackfin
- Nemo
- Neptunia
- Coral
- Dory
- Panchax
- Pudge
- Flounder
- Captain Finn
- Tad
- Undertow
- Koi
Related: Orange Fish Names
Goldfish Names by Look or Personality
Probably the easiest way to choose a name for your gold fish is to observe it’s personality and behavior.
- Sparkle
- Stealth
- Dancer
- Flashy
- Speed
- Bold
- Wobbles
- Performer
- Thinker
Latin Names for Goldfish
Why not get all scientific with goldfish names. Here is a list of Latin words that could resemble goldfish.
- Fulvus – golden yellow
- Rubra – red
- Roseus – rose-red
- Purpureus – purple
- Aureus – golden
- Amica – friendly
- Bestia – beast
- Parva – small
- Terra – earth
- Emeritus – veteran
- Meliora – better things
- Aqua Vitae – water of life
- Omnia Paratus – ready for anything
- Para Bellum – prepare for war
- Semper Fidelis – always faithful
Exotic Female Goldfish Names
As we all know goldfish is pretty exotic type of fish. Therefore, exotic gold fish names are a no brainer.
- Cleopatra
- Arabella
- Desdemona
- Grizabella
- Esmeralda
- Molokai
- Octavia
Exotic Names for Male Goldfish
Here are perfect goldfish names for our exotic male fish.
- Casanova
- Adagio
- Galileo
- Mehitabel
- Macaroni
- Tiberius
- Yosemite
Cute Goldfish Names
If you’re looking for cute goldfish names, we got them. Here are our picks for the most adorable cute names for your goldfish.
- Dory (for the fish that looks like Dory from Finding Nemo)
- Fishy (because it’s a fish)
- Pepper (for the black, white and red color mix)
- Puffles (because they’re so cute!)
- Goofy (because it looks like Goofy)
- Guppy (for the guppy fish)
- Poppy (for the popshaped body)
- Rudolph (because it’s red and shiny)
- Sparkles (for the sparkly scales)
- Kitty (because it looks like one)
- Cinderella (because it has a glass slipper on its back fin)
- Tweety Bird (for the yellow color mix)
- Minnie Mouse (for the black and white color mix)
- Homer Simpson (for the round shape)
- Bambi (because it looks like a deer)
- Aladdin (because it has a magic lamp on its head fin)
- Pooh Bear (for the honey color mix)
Good Goldfish Names
- Ariadne
- Abbey Moon
- Abel
- Achak
- Akeyra
- Alea
- BabeBabs
- BabyCakes
- Badge
- Bailona
- Baja
- Baloo
- Bandis
- Bane
- Cackle
- Cael
- Cain
- Calliope
- Calista
- Calum
- Candy
- Capri
- Carolina
- Carrot
- Dabblit
- Dainty
- Daisy
- Dama
- Dandy
- Ebony
- Edd
- Einstein
- Excalibur
- Geronimo
- Hallelujah
- Kabato
- Kako
- Kanye
- Macchiato
- Maddie
- Magget
- Magnum
- Paddy
- Pai Pai
- Pamela
- Oedipus
- Sabaloo
- Sarafina
- Sabre
- Saffie
- Sampson
- Sanar
- Tabbie
- Tacoma
- Utopia
Smart Goldfish Names
Is your goldfish a philosopher or a scientist? Does it seem like your goldfish is evaluating every move and every action. Well here are some smart philosopher and scientist goldfish names for all intellectual goldies out there.
- Plato
- Aristotle
- Socrates
- Nietzsche
- Kant
- Archimedes
- Albert Einstein
- Nikola Tesla
- Newtoon
- Isaac
- Marie Curie
- Rosalind Franklin
Nerdy Goldfish Names
We live in a technological society. Technology is all around us and almost every home has a lot of appliances and gadgets. Is your Goldfish nerdy? Do you find it starring at your TV screen while you are playing your favorite games on your xBox or when you are watching Star Wars. For all nerdy types, here are nerdy Goldfish names.
- Motherboard
- PS1
- PS2
- PS3
- PS4
- PS5
- xBox
- Console
- Nintendo
- Apollo
- C3PO
- R2D2
- Chewbacca
- Astro
- Gizmo
- PC
- iPhone
- Android
- Chip
- Processor
- Hardware
- Software
Japanese Goldfish Names
Japanese names that are related to the sea or ocean or to fish. These names sound interesting and unique. So if you are looking for a bit unusual goldfish names try these ones.
- Kingyo
- Umiko
- Hamako
- Kishi
- Ayumi
- Same
- Hirame
- Tara
- Kaki
- Ika
- Kai
- Maguro
Goldfish Names For Pairs
If you got a pair of goldfish, or twins, then you will need some name ideas for two goldfish. We have assembled some fun goldfish names for pairs.
- AC and DC
- Bambi and Thumper
- Batman and Robin
- Beauty and Beast
- Bubble and Bobble
- Fish and Chips
- Guns and Roses
- Hodge and Podge
- Macaroni and Cheese
- Pebbles and Bam Bam
- Rock and Roll
- Spock and Kirk
- Thunder and Lightning
- Venus and Mars
- Yin and Yang
- Trick and Treat
- Tutti and Fruiti
How to Choose Names for Goldfish
One option you have is to use names that are typically used for other types of animals.
For example you could name your Goldfish Cuddles.
The reason this name is hilarious is because you can’t cuddle with a Goldfish at all.
The name Cuddles is also typical of a cat or a dog, not a fish, bt could sound great as a fish name. There are a lot great unique cat names out there for even more inspiration.
This is also a creative way to name a Goldfish and to give that pet a name that is not completely overused.
If you are still lacking inspiration to finding funny pet fish names, you may want to try looking through your movie collection.
A lot of people name their pets after their favorite fictional movie character or even the actor who plays the character.
There are millions of movies out there that have awesome characters that would make excellent Goldfish names.
Try popping in one of your favorite comedy movies in the DVD player and watch for anything that pops out at you that would make a good name.
Books are also a great source of material for searching for funny Goldfish names.
Moby Dick is slightly overused, but it is still pretty funny and will get a laugh out of just about anybody.
If you lack inspiration hit up your local library and check out some books.
You would be surprised at what you might find hidden in the pages.
These are just a few tips of where you can find funny pet fish names or at least get some ideas.
Just remember that it’s your Goldfish and you can name it anything you want, there are no rules and guidelines about what you should or shouldn’t name your pet Goldfish.
Every single Goldfish is unique, not just in their coloring but in their personality.
It is therefore important that you choose a Goldfish Names for your new pet with care, consideration and a bit of fun.
Goldfish Pet
Goldfish make wonderful pets.
People buy goldfish for a number of reasons.
There are those that like the beautiful colors of the fish, and there are those that appreciate the fact that these fish are extremely easy to care for.
A number of individuals know that Goldfish have more personality and character than many other species of fish.
Goldfish make great pets for young children who may not be old enough to handle the responsibility of having a kitten or a puppy for a pet.
One of the most fun parts of owning a pet goldfish is giving the goldfish a name.
Naming your pet gives you a chance to be creative and to personalize the goldfish and truly make it your own.
More Pet Names
If you didn’t find the name you were looking for, we have a lot of other categories with really great ideas. You could check out our guinea pig names, why not? Be original, be bold, maybe you will find the perfect name for your goldfish from our hamster names list.