Persian cat breeds are known for their beautiful hair, adorable look, and exquisite personality. This breed of cat is an ancient breed and originated from the middle east. Over the years, Persian cat breeds were preferred and loved by many people worldwide, especially in the US. The cats are medium sized and normally weigh between 8 and 12 pounds and have a life-span of up to 15 years. This captivating and precious cat breed is known for its adorable … [Read more...] about Persian Cats Breeds and Care
Feeding Your Pet Guinea Pig
After bringing home your new pet guinea pig, and making sure it is well housed, you will need to figure out how best to feed it. Guinea pigs are strict herbivores. There are many commercial guinea pig foods available in the form of pellets: make sure to choose one that provides all the nutrients your pet needs to thrive, including at least 16 per cent crude protein. If in doubt, consult with your veterinarian and read pet food labels carefully to make sure … [Read more...] about Feeding Your Pet Guinea Pig
Are Rabbits Good Pets for Children?
Yes, pet rabbits can be cute, cuddly, balls of wonderful fun, but they are also fragile creatures that require care, quiet, and patience. Many people have a stereotypical idea of how a pet rabbit will be. They think it will be all soft and cuddly and will be an ideal pet for a small child. However the reality is that they are not like this and they are not always a good idea to have as a child’s pet – especially a very young child. So lets have … [Read more...] about Are Rabbits Good Pets for Children?
Is Guinea Pig the Right Pet for Your Kids?
Many parents think that a guinea pig is the ideal first pet for their children. In some ways, they are right, but there are some important things to know about adopting a guinea pig aka piggy. It has happened to many parents. Their children begging them for a pet can be a common occurrence. However, a dog or a cat can be simply out of the question. For those parents, who are looking for the perfect pet for their kids, they may want to consider guinea … [Read more...] about Is Guinea Pig the Right Pet for Your Kids?
Pet Rabbit Care
Purchasing a pet rabbit as a family addition is a very good idea. Pet rabbits are cuddly, relatively easy to care for, and they make the best veggie testers! When you decided to add a pet rabbit to your family you will need to make sure that the care you provide is adequate. Here are a few tips you should know in order to care for your pet rabbit so that it can have many years of bunny love. What Temperature is Bad for Rabbits Just like … [Read more...] about Pet Rabbit Care
Choosing a Rabbit for Pet
Before choosing a rabbit, you should consider exactly what you’re looking for. Are you looking for a big rabbit or a small one? A long coat or a short? One rabbit or two (or more!)? Each type and breed has its specific requirements. What age of rabbit you’re looking for is also important. Baby rabbits are cute and you’ll have the pleasure of watching your bunny grow up – but you’ll also have to deal with the hormonal ‘teenage’ months before … [Read more...] about Choosing a Rabbit for Pet
Choose food for cat: Which is the best?
The latest statistics are revealing that a great many of America's pets are obese, from years of being fed table scraps and the wrong kinds of food. Therefore, picking the proper cat food for your feline is not a decision to be considered lightly! Make no mistake about it, cats, dogs, and other of our favorite pets can suffer from many of the same consequences as humans do from obesity: diabetes, heart problems, strokes, and other debilitating … [Read more...] about Choose food for cat: Which is the best?
How to Choose the Perfect Dog For Your Home
Each and every dog has its own unique personality. And, with these unique personalities comes distinctive needs. It can be hard to determine which dog will best fit into your lifestyle and fit in with your own personality! Questions to consider before bringing a new dog to your home: Do you have children? If so, you will want a dog that is patient and playful. Do you live in a home with a big yard? If not, you will need to consider options of how … [Read more...] about How to Choose the Perfect Dog For Your Home
Are your fish sick? Which goldfish diseases do they have?
There are many goldfish diseases, that our friendly and likeable pets can catch. Our pet fish are like any other living creatures, and are susceptible to falling ill from time to time. The biggest and best way to ensure that your wonderful fish are healthy is to make sure that their living environment is the best it can possibly be. If their water world is dirty and polluted, then they have a higher chance of getting sick. Some general goldfish … [Read more...] about Are your fish sick? Which goldfish diseases do they have?
Common things to watch for in pets
Since our pets can’t talk to us when they aren’t feeling well, it’s up to the owner to recognize the signs a pet is showing when something is wrong. And the sooner an owner can recognize there is a problem the sooner the pet can be treated, which may help prevent a mild problem from becoming a serious one. Here is my list of simple things that all pet owners should be able to recognize and should check their pet for on a regular basis. Increased thirst … [Read more...] about Common things to watch for in pets
Cat Home Safety Tips
It’s never an easy time for an owner when their pet is sick or injured. Many people consider their pet to be a close family member, and when it is ill, it is a time of tremendous stress and worry, not only for the pet’s health, but often times, also for the cost of treatment. What can make it even worse for the owner is when they realize that they either caused or could have prevented their pet’s illness or injury. Now they are faced with terrible … [Read more...] about Cat Home Safety Tips
Goldfish – a Magnanimous Pet for All Age Groups
Some people believe that having an aquarium inside their house will bring luck to them, while some others think that running water will bring wealth to them. Whatever it is, watching shimmering movements of goldfish will always make us happy. They even respond to our whistling or call which forms an emotional attachment towards them. Though goldfish is sensitive to long-drawn-out exposure to low water temperatures, it's still considered as a suitable … [Read more...] about Goldfish – a Magnanimous Pet for All Age Groups
Dental Disease in Pets
So, does anyone know what the #1 disease of dogs and cats is? Here are some hints. It is so pervasive that 80-90% of animals over age 4 suffer from some degree of it. It can vary in severity from mild to a more serious condition causing pain, discomfort and possibly involving other organ systems. It is also one of the most overlooked conditions by pet owners and until recently many veterinarians. Know what it is yet? Answer: dental disease. Periodontal … [Read more...] about Dental Disease in Pets
Goldfish Information: Basic Fish Facts
To own goldfish is easy, but you do need to know about some general goldfish information. Keeping healthy fish isn't just going to the pet store and buying a goldfish bowl, and a few fish flakes. It's a serious business, inviting these friendly and loveable pets into your home, and you'll want them to be part of your family for many years. Of course, learning goldfish information will help make this happen. Firstly, you'll need to have a large enough … [Read more...] about Goldfish Information: Basic Fish Facts
Ticks and Fleas in Cats
Just like dogs, cats are also infested by fleas and ticks. These small adorable creatures can’t bear the pain and irritation caused by fleas, ticks, lice and other insects. It is easy to spot fleas on cats because of the short coat. Once you find about parasite infestation, you need to start shopping for cat flea and tick control products. What are Fleas: Fleas are shiny dark brown parasites about 1/12 inches long, covered in small spines. They have a … [Read more...] about Ticks and Fleas in Cats
Children and Cats: Vital Safety Lessons You Need to Know
Children and cats are made for each other. However, there are of course some rules that you should lay down with your kids so that both them and the cat can remain safe as they play and have fun together. Children, have a tendency to hurt cats (particularly small kittens) while playing with them. Although it is not done on purpose, kids lack physical discretion and usually get out of control during play. It is very common for them to bruise or injure … [Read more...] about Children and Cats: Vital Safety Lessons You Need to Know
Few Basic Tips for Choosing a Kitten From the Litter
Choosing a kitten from a litter is a very fun process. Not only is it exciting to know that you're about to take home a brand new kitten, but the process of looking at a litter and finding out which one is right for you is a great experience. How to Pick a Health Kitten When you view the litter, look at their behavior, how do they react when they see you? Are they playful, confident, and bright? Or did they all seem shy, withdrawn, and sluggish? Be sure … [Read more...] about Few Basic Tips for Choosing a Kitten From the Litter
Joint Problems in Dogs
Joint problems in dogs can take place when the canines become older. There are different forms of joint problems which dogs suffer from. However, arthritis is the most common problem. Like other animals and human beings, dogs also have issues with their joints in the later life. As the dogs age, much of the cushion of the joints is lost. As the thickness of this tissue is reduced the bones are capable of rubbing against each other. This causes pain as … [Read more...] about Joint Problems in Dogs
How to Potty Train Your Dog
You bet that having a puppy or a dog in your household would be quite a blast for the entire family. Dogs are such lovable and faithful pets that it’s hard not to adore them even if you try your best to ignore their presence. Imagine the joys of having those lovely animals licking your toes to wake you up in the morning, or a sturdy sport dog fetching the papers while you take a sip of your coffee. Truly, having a dog as part of the family is a pleasure to … [Read more...] about How to Potty Train Your Dog
Best Dog Breeds for Apartments
Not all dogs are good for apartments, so if you are looking for best dogs for apartments keep reading, this article is for you. Everyone loves dogs. Those cute, adorable canine creatures are very delightful companions that could bring so much joy to each and every day. Dogs, in fact, are the most popular pets in the world. Wherever there are puppies on display, you’re sure to find a group of people gathering around them. Is it because of their … [Read more...] about Best Dog Breeds for Apartments