Providing an appropriate guinea pig cage for your pet is one of the best things you can do to show that you are a responsible pet owner. Since guinea pigs spend most of their lives in cages, it will be worth buying a guinea pig cage that is roomy enough for them to move about, to play and to exercise. Besides, it will require a bigger space to contain a nest box, a food dish, a water bottle and some toys. What Kind of Cage is Best for a Guinea … [Read more...] about Guinea Pig Cage and the Importance of Getting a Good One
Understanding Cat Spraying and Marking Behavior
From lions, to the tabby next door, cats possess a certain subtlety and unspoken purpose in everything they do. Marking Behavior in cats is normal behavior and is an important part of "nonverbal" communication between cats, helping to establish and define boundaries and reassure the cat that the area is familiar. Marking of territory involves the spraying of urine and the deposition of other "pheromones" from glands strategically located on your … [Read more...] about Understanding Cat Spraying and Marking Behavior
Guinea Pig Illnesses
The guinea pig, although relatively a healthy animal can get ill and you as a owner should learn about common guinea pig illnesses. When you have a family pet as loving as the guinea pig, it often entails being the family doctor. It is vital for all guinea pig owners to be able to supply and treat their guinea pigs with optimal care. There are many common conditions such as “bumblefoot” to more uncommon conditions such as abortions and … [Read more...] about Guinea Pig Illnesses
How to Properly Give a Dog Bath
An avid and well-to-do pet owner typically never hesitates to spend money buying his beloved dog premium dog food, giving it the best health care and taking his pet to a top-notch doggie day care facility. In addition, this pet owner also knows how giving his dog proper dog baths is vital to keeping his pet in good health. How to Bathe a Dog at Home Before bathing your dog, brush its hair. If you own a short haired dog, brush the hair in a … [Read more...] about How to Properly Give a Dog Bath
How to Teach a Parrot to Talk
Any bird is trainable but you have to remember that its up to you to make sure conditions are optimal for successful training. Bird have needs just like people. You need to make sure you’re feeding them correctly with nutritious food. Make sure they have plenty of fresh water, toys to play with to keep them stimulated and of course a really nice big cage. You would be surprised at how many people get a cage that’s way too small for their bird. Exotic … [Read more...] about How to Teach a Parrot to Talk
Newborn Kitten Care
Taking care of a newborn kitten is not easy. When you bring home your tiny bundle of fur, you should be mentally prepared to love your kitten for its whole life. This will include plenty of time spent training, feeding and grooming your pet, as well as costing you money. But the joy and happiness that a kitten will bring is far beyond any material cost or investment of time. How To Take Care Of A Newborn Kitten With A Mother If you have an adult cat that … [Read more...] about Newborn Kitten Care
Crate Training Your Puppy
Crate Training Puppies Can Be Easy To Do Crate Training a Puppy refers to the process of conditioning a puppy or dog to remain quietly and comfortably in a plastic or metal dog crate. There are significant advantages to applying crate training early in the puppy's life, so that it becomes an inconsequential, totally neutral, and "normal" part of the growing pup's daily life in the home. When properly introduced and positively trained, the puppy crate … [Read more...] about Crate Training Your Puppy
Important Guinea Pig Facts That Every Pet Owner Has To Remember
As cute, cuddly and easily manageable as they are, there are many important Guinea Pig facts out there that every pet owner should pay attention to in order to secure a happy and healthy life for their Guinea Pig. What Are Guinea Pigs? A Guinea Pig is also known as a Cavy. These creatures belong to the family of rodents and alongside hamsters, are a very popular household pet. Because of their gentle demeanor and compact size, they are the perfect … [Read more...] about Important Guinea Pig Facts That Every Pet Owner Has To Remember
How To Groom Your Cat’s Coat
Cats are very simple to groom, using the right grooming tools, especially once they get used to being brushed and combed. This is true regardless of what type of cat you own: short haired cats, medium haired cats, and wire-haired cats. All you have to do is run the comb over their fur and follow through with a grooming glove or slicker brush to create a soft coat that is filled with luster and shine. Grooming Short-haired Cats One huge benefit … [Read more...] about How To Groom Your Cat’s Coat
The Benefits of Grooming Your Dog
As a dog lover you understand how important it is to regularly groom your dog. Short haired, long haired, smooth or wiry, all dogs benefit from regular grooming. Grooming is a great way to bond with your dog and is an important part of looking after their health and wellbeing. Regular grooming ensures that your pet looks good, feels comfortable too and reduces the possibility of skin problems in dog. One of the main benefits of grooming your dog … [Read more...] about The Benefits of Grooming Your Dog
The Best Facts About Rabbits
Rabbits are included in the family of Leporidae, which means a family of mammals. They can be seen in the woodland, grasslands, meadows and wetlands, and they also live as a group. The European rabbit lives in subterranean burrows or perhaps a rabbit hole. In the United States, we could actually locate one half of the planets rabbit populace. The male rabbit is regarded as being a buck, and doe for the female. Similar to cats, the younger … [Read more...] about The Best Facts About Rabbits
Ways to Keep Your New Puppy Happy and Healthy
Raising a new puppy can be a very fun and rewarding experience. It can also be challenging, as puppies require lots of attention, patience, and love. There are many ways to keep your new puppy happy and healthy, all of which are very important. Clean and Safe Surroundings When you bring your new puppy home, you will want to make sure he or she has a clean, safe environment to live in. This should include a soft, clean sleeping area free of … [Read more...] about Ways to Keep Your New Puppy Happy and Healthy
Best Parrots For Beginners, Families and Children
Parrots are alert, intelligent animals that make friendly home companions. For the cost of a cage, some toys and a steady supply of bird seed, a parrot owner will be rewarded with decades of exciting daily activity and a loyal friend. Each parrot has its own, distinct personality. Getting to know that personality is one of the best parts of owning a parrot. They will spend most of their time watching you and responding to what you do. After awhile they … [Read more...] about Best Parrots For Beginners, Families and Children
Traveling Internationally with Your Pet
Traveling with your pet can be a great bonding experience; however, you want to ensure that you can enjoy your vacation while also doing everything you can to make sure your dog enjoys the time off as well. Before travelling with dogs, it is important that you take several things into consideration, such as vaccines, medications, age, etc. For those that truly love their dogs like their own children, this is not a problem. A Few Important Tips That … [Read more...] about Traveling Internationally with Your Pet
Dog Clicker Training – How this method can help?
Clicker training is the methodology of train your dog, cat or any other animal pet to behave well in a desired action in any place using a click sound produced by a Clicker. Your pet can be trained to go to the toilet for the desired action, or do some other useful action on your command. It is also possible to hire a dog trainer or train your dog in a dog training school, but training your dog yourself will increase the relationship of your dog … [Read more...] about Dog Clicker Training – How this method can help?
What Can Guinea Pigs Eat? A Guide to the Cavy Diet!
If you have recently acquired a guinea pig or you are considering doing so, you are probably wondering the most common question among first-time piggie owners: what can guinea pigs eat? It is not unusual for people to assume that because this species belongs to the rodent family that it can consume virtually anything and everything it comes across. Guinea Pig Favorite Foods Like most other creatures, this specie’s basic requirements are comprised of … [Read more...] about What Can Guinea Pigs Eat? A Guide to the Cavy Diet!
Understanding Cat Behavior
If you are the proud owner of a cat, you already know about the beauty of the species’ demeanor and elegant nature. Because cats retain much of their evolutionary ancestors’ instincts and dispositions, many owners are faced with cat behavior problems. Many cat owners find themselves baffled by their furry friends’ actions and are constantly in search of ways to correct their destructive or undesirable behavior. However, most will try to implement … [Read more...] about Understanding Cat Behavior
Six Tips For Stopping Dog Chewing
The following tips are helpful for stopping dog chewing Do you dread coming home from work because you can’t stop your dog from chewing everything in the house while you are gone? Stopping dog chewing can be done if you just take the time and put some effort into it. Dogs are born with the desire to chew and it actually fills a health need so you don’t want to stop it completely. What you do need to so is set some boundaries so your dog knows what he … [Read more...] about Six Tips For Stopping Dog Chewing
Which Kind of Goldfish to Choose for a Pet
If you’re interested in caring for a goldfish, you might want to start thinking about the different types of goldfish and which ones you prefer to keep. Contrary to popular belief that goldfish all look alike with the shimmering, gold scales and flowing tails and fins, there are many different variations and each type has a slight variation from the usual goldfish look. How to Identify Goldfish Types To make the classification easier, there are types … [Read more...] about Which Kind of Goldfish to Choose for a Pet
5 Ways to Increase the Life Span of Guinea Pigs
On average, the life span of guinea pigs is between four and eight years. However, you have to keep in mind that, just like any living creature, its longevity greatly depends on how healthy and happy the cavy is. Showering it with proper attention and food will do wonders to keep your cavy alive for a long time. Bad nutrition, heat stroke, infections, parasites and ring worm can also cause the premature death of your cavy. Although very rare, the … [Read more...] about 5 Ways to Increase the Life Span of Guinea Pigs
African Grey Parrots are Ideal Pets
African Grey parrots are known as the most intelligent, the best speakers, the most neurotic and also to be a very "shy" parrot specie. They have an average lifespan of 40 to 60 years and make excellent pets. The African Grey parrot grows, in general, up to 14 inches in length. While they outperform other species in terms of their talking ability, the African Grey parrots reveal a keen spirit and skill for biting, feather plucking, but at the same time, … [Read more...] about African Grey Parrots are Ideal Pets
Russian Dwarf Hamsters as Pets
There are a vast number of hamster species considered to be Russian dwarf hamsters. Out of those, there are three different types of Russian dwarf hamsters and those are the Winter White, the Campbell’s, and the Roborovski dwarf hamster. Each of these kinds of hamsters are probably some of the smallest hamsters you’ve ever seen. But the largest of the three, the Campbell and the Winter White are typically the same size being around 3 or 4 inches in … [Read more...] about Russian Dwarf Hamsters as Pets
Wet Cat Food – What Makes It Different from Dry Cat Food
Cats are real carnivores, always needing to eat meat based foods to maintain optimal health. They are more inclined towards natural prey whether it be birds, insects, rodents and lizards. This wildlife primarily consist of fats, proteins , having less than 10 percent of carbohydrates (fiber, starch and sugar). Cats are delicately adapted to use proteins and fats for energy, they are not like people and dogs, who are intended to utilize carbohydrates to get … [Read more...] about Wet Cat Food – What Makes It Different from Dry Cat Food
Are you stressed by dog barks? Learn how to stop dog barking!
The constant barking of a dog can become a nightmarish experience not for your family, but also for the neighbors and your guests. While barking by itself is a dog’s natural calling, nonstop or incessant barking could indicate serious problems that need specific remedies. Strong contender for most effective solution to the problem of the barking is the barking dog collar. The importance of knowing the psychology of the barking dog As the caring owner of … [Read more...] about Are you stressed by dog barks? Learn how to stop dog barking!
Common Guinea Pig Breeds
According to the American Cavy Breeders Association (ACBA) there are 13 standard guinea pig breeds. Cavy is another name for this animal and refers to domesticated versions. Cavies are greatly enjoyed as pets today in the United States. The Cavy traces its ancestry back to South America, in particular to the Peruvian Andes region of the continent. First having been domesticated by the Incas, they were grown for both their meat and their fur. In … [Read more...] about Common Guinea Pig Breeds
The Importance of High Protein Dry Cat Food
Great animal lovers believe that taking care of a pet is quite similar to rearing a young toddler. If you truly love your feline companion at home, you will provide your pet with only the best. In this case, you should look for the best dry cat food in the market and feed your pet cat everyday. You will find various brands or cat food manufacturers in the market nowadays. Each will claim that they are the best dry cat food. Of course, you … [Read more...] about The Importance of High Protein Dry Cat Food
How to Train a Parrot to Step Up
Whether you wish to teach your parrot tricks or not, you certainly want to train your parrot in some basic manners commands such as “step up”, “no”, and the concepts of parrot training are basically the same no matter which commands you wish to convey to your bird. In order to succeed with any parrot training, you must understand that parrots do not understand punishment as do some other domesticated creatures. You will only frighten your parrot and … [Read more...] about How to Train a Parrot to Step Up
All About Siamese Cat Breed
The Siamese is one of the oldest and best known breeds of cat in the world today. Originating from Southeast Asia, they are believed to have descended from temple cats of Siam (now Thailand) in the 1800s. As well as having a personality distinctly different to other breeds, they are striking cats, with stunning blue eyes and a distinctive meow. These cats suit many owners as they are very loving, friendly and social animals. They love to be part … [Read more...] about All About Siamese Cat Breed
Different Types Of Domestic Cats
Cats are one of the most loved pets in the animal world. There are tons of different types of cats but in this article I will be focusing on domesticated cats. Domesticated cats are known to be small, furry felines that are loved and valued by people for their companionship and much more. Cats are considered to be the oldest form of a pet for humans. Evidence has shown that cats have been loyal companions for humans for roughly around almost ten … [Read more...] about Different Types Of Domestic Cats
Get Ready to Enjoy Loving Your Own Hamster!
Hamsters were first scientifically described in 1839 as the Syrian hamster or (golden hamster), but not breed and domesticated until around 1939. In Jerusalem hamsters were bred very easily and were soon exported to the United States. Hamsters are rodents from the subfamily Cricetinae. Hamsters borrow themselves in the day light to prevent themselves from getting caught by predators. They typically have short stout bodies and short tails. Hamsters can … [Read more...] about Get Ready to Enjoy Loving Your Own Hamster!
Prevention of Dog Arthritis
It is said that prevention is the best treatment. When it comes to dog arthritis, this is most true. Many people start prevention very late and that is not good. In dog arthritis it is very important to start this early. The owner has to detect the dog’s suffering early. How to Prevent of Dog Arthritis: Daily Exercise Studies show that the average dog does not get that much exercise every day. When the dog sits in the home, he does not do much. A … [Read more...] about Prevention of Dog Arthritis
What Makes a Dog Happy?
Dogs are wonderful friends and teachers. Every dog deserves to be understood and appreciated, and to live in a great home where love and quality time abounds. Every dog owner wants to make his pet happy. It can be a relatively easy task if you know what your loved dog needs. Your pet will jumping from happiness if you give him a few things that can be all that your dog want... unlike people who need a lot more. The simple things your dog needs: Being … [Read more...] about What Makes a Dog Happy?
12 Netherland Dwarf Rabbits Facts
Small, furry, quiet, domesticated, low-maintenance and come in a variety of colors – what else can you ask for from a pet? All these facts apply to one of the most popular breeds of rabbits in the world: the Netherland Dwarf Rabbits. Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Size and Appearance As the name implies, this breed originated from the Netherlands and they are a lot smaller than other rabbit breeds. Dutch rabbits are small. By age of 4 to 5 weeks, they reach … [Read more...] about 12 Netherland Dwarf Rabbits Facts
Parrot Food – What Do Parrots Eat?
Owning a parrot means feeding that parrot a healthy diet to ensure a long, healthy life. The parrot food you choose can make a big difference in the amount of energy and vitality your parrot will enjoy as well as how many years the parrot will live. Parrots are mainly seed-eating, fruit-eating and/or insect eating birds. The parrots need a variety of flavors and textures to keep them entertained, but also need a well balanced diet of fruits and … [Read more...] about Parrot Food – What Do Parrots Eat?
10 Facts About Hamster Cages You Should Know About
Your hamster cage is probably one of the most important key in keeping your pet healthy. This is because it is just like human, hamsters need to have a good house to stay and live. You need to get a hamster cage before you get yourself a hamster. You cannot take care of a hamster without a cage. It is either you buy one, or you make one by yourself. However, I strongly recommend that you buy one. This is because hamster cages are not as expensive as … [Read more...] about 10 Facts About Hamster Cages You Should Know About
Things to Consider Before Buying a Parrot
Parrots and Pet Birds make wonderful companions that can form intense emotional attachments with you. Whether you are a long time owner of one already or just thinking of becoming one, you can be sure there will never be a dull moment with one of these little cuties around. When we buy pet birds, we must accept the fact that their behaviour may not always be perfect by human-behaviour standards. We should, however, commit ourselves to taking the best … [Read more...] about Things to Consider Before Buying a Parrot
Eliminate Dog Behavior Problems with Early Dog Training Basics
Is Your Dog Misbehaving? Dogs crave family life, security, order and direction—a dog’s necessity for pack survival. A canine’s instinct expects for one member in their social group to be the clear leader. It’s based on this natural sense that once you have established yourself as the dog’s superior, you can start dog training basics. Training will not only come easy to your dog, at this point, but it will teach him what doggy behavior is appropriate in … [Read more...] about Eliminate Dog Behavior Problems with Early Dog Training Basics
Pet Hamster – All You Need to Know About Hamster…
Hamsters are small rodents that are very popular around the world; they make great pets and a reasonably easy to house and look after. They come in a wide range of colours and different fur types although they still keep their natural instincts from their ancestors such as sleeping all through the day. Buying a Hamster Before buy spend some time observing the hamsters, this can be surprisingly enlightening. For example, a hamster that is ill or is … [Read more...] about Pet Hamster – All You Need to Know About Hamster…
Dog Training – Importance of Training for Your Dogs
Dogs may be considered to be some of the most beloved creatures around. However, that doesn’t mean that living alongside them would equate to peace and harmony. Dogs have natural tendencies that can’t be easily controlled for many. Taming dogs indeed isn’t easily achievable and a lot of programs are even offered for owners for the sake of this matter. So, what does it take to make living with your dog easier? Through dog training, this goal of having … [Read more...] about Dog Training – Importance of Training for Your Dogs
Significant Tips on Dog Care
Dogs are not merely part of family, but are very faithful and loving fellow. They stay always by your side if you are sad or happy as well as love you unconditionally. Tips to help keep your dog healthy The main responsibility of the owner of a dog is to give his/her dog with all it needs, for living a healthy and happy life. Below are some important dog care tips, which help you to keep your pet dog happy. Do not switch your dog’s food abruptly In an … [Read more...] about Significant Tips on Dog Care