Siamese cats are very friendly cats with a playful persona. If your willing to add a Siamese cat to your family and can't choose a Siamese Cat Names, here are some suggestions for you! Choose wisely :)! Male Siamese Cat Names Aang Aaron Abbott Abby Abercrombie Abraham Ace Acer Achilles Acrobat Ad lib Adam Admiral Adonis Aesop Afro AJ Al Albert Alex Alexander Alfonzo Alley Alpha … [Read more...] about Siamese Cat Names 300+
Cats and Dogs Living Together
Cats and dogs have different views on life. Can the two species live together peacefully? Dreaming of adding a dog to your happy, contented cat household? Worried the fur may fly? You can maintain harmony in your newly expanded pet household as long as you're willing to be patient, responsible and caring. First, recognize cats and dogs are two different species and they view the world differently, especially in your home. Cats are territorial. … [Read more...] about Cats and Dogs Living Together
Dog Humping Behavior
Why do Dogs Hump or Mount? Dog humping behavior can have different reasons. If your dog is humping or mounting, he can be in a playful and excited state, he can express dominance, he can be sexually stimulated or he can have an irritation. Humping or mounting isn’t always sex related as even female dogs can show this behavior, although they don’t exhibit it as often as male dogs. And if your male dog is humping his mate certainly doesn’t mean that … [Read more...] about Dog Humping Behavior
Manx Cat Names: Beautiful Names For Manx Cats
If you’re looking for Manx cat names you’ve come to the right place. On this page you’ll find an extensive list of Manx names, many reflecting the breed’s origin on the Isle of Man. The Manx is a unique cat with a stubby tail caused by a genetic mutation. They are known to be skilled hunters are are sought after as rodent-catchers. But they are also friendly and affectionate, and make great pets. Female Manx Cat Names If you have a beautiful … [Read more...] about Manx Cat Names: Beautiful Names For Manx Cats
Cute Boy Cat Names
Stuck for a cute boy cat names? This list will get you pointed in the right direction with a collection of super-cute names for boy cats. Coming up with cute boy cat names should be easy because cats, even rough ‘n tumble boy cats, are pretty cute. But just in case you’re stuck for a name, this list will get you pointed in the right direction. On this page we’ve put together a collection of super-cute names for boy cats. A Collection of Cute Boy … [Read more...] about Cute Boy Cat Names
Goldfish Names: 440+ Unique, Cool and Funny Names For Goldfish
If you are tired of old names for goldfish such as ‘Rex’, ‘Fluffy’, ‘Blaze’, then you should take a look at our list of unique funny goldfish names. You can select any of these fantastic goldfish names for your loving pet, taking into consideration the nature of your goldfish. Thinking of gold fish names based on their personality or colors would be a good starting point as well When there comes a time to select the name for your pet goldfish, … [Read more...] about Goldfish Names: 440+ Unique, Cool and Funny Names For Goldfish
Beyond Squeak: 250+ Unique Names For Guinea Pigs
Guinea pigs, those adorable little bundles of fluff and squeaks, bring endless joy to our lives. But before you can shower them with love and veggies, you need the perfect name. If you're looking for something a little more unforgettable, you've come to the right place. This article dives into the wonderful world of unique and funny guinea pig names that are sure to bring a smile to anyone who hears them. Why Go Beyond the Ordinary? Choosing a guinea pig … [Read more...] about Beyond Squeak: 250+ Unique Names For Guinea Pigs
Large Family Dogs
Do you love the idea of having a large dog? Have you watched television programs that an individual or family owned a large dog and thought to yourself that you wanted one? Though there are joys that come with owning a big dog breed, there are things that need to be considered before jumping in there and getting yourself one. Something to keep in mind is there are pros and cons to owning a dog that is from a large breed. A lot depends on where you … [Read more...] about Large Family Dogs
Foods That are Harmful to Dogs
When you love your dog it is only natural to want to give them as much affection as possible. One way we show our affection is by giving them human food as a special treat. This is fine as long as it is a treat and not a regular habit which leads to your dog being overweight. However there are some foods that are quite harmful to dogs and can end in tragedy if they eat them. We have listed some of the less obvious foods below to help you understand … [Read more...] about Foods That are Harmful to Dogs
8 Best Hamster Toys For Happy Hamsters
The hamster will spend most of the time in the cage. Don’t let his life be boring. Provide your hamster pet with many hamster toys and varied activities to keep her moving and her brain cells to work. If you want your hamster to stay healthy and cheerful, provide him with a variety of toys that can be purchased at pet stores. Note swings, climbing slides, straight or curved ladders, perforated logs and tubes, round grass nests and tubes, prefabricated … [Read more...] about 8 Best Hamster Toys For Happy Hamsters
Best Small Family Dogs For Kids
Today, more than ever, families with kids are looking to cuddle up with all kind of types of small dogs. Although larger canines are fun, friendly, and a joy to be around, there is something about toy dogs that just make people and especially kids smile at the sight of them. But which ones are America’s favorites? From which can you choose from? Below is a list of the country’s top small dogs breeds for kids. Of all the different types of small … [Read more...] about Best Small Family Dogs For Kids
460+ Female and Male Hamster Names
Searching for Hamster Names? A good Hamster Name is an important bonding step after providing a new pet hamster with a loving home, buying a nice cage, bedding and food to keep it healthy and happy. If Hammy isn't unique enough for you don't fret, I've gathered some common hamster names by speaking to a few veterinarians and found quite a few unique and memorable hamster names to go with the classic names. The best hamster names, in my opinion, … [Read more...] about 460+ Female and Male Hamster Names
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Celery – Is Celery Safe For Guinea Pigs
Can guinea pigs have celery? Responsible pet owners should always check and make sure what they feed to their pets is absolutely safe for them. And when it comes to guinea pigs and celery, there couldn’t be a better pet/food combination! Guinea pigs LOVE celery and will munch away all day as long as you keep feeding it to them. But the question is, can guinea pigs eat celery. Is it safe for them? Celery may be a nutritious food for guinea … [Read more...] about Can Guinea Pigs Eat Celery – Is Celery Safe For Guinea Pigs
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Grapes? Red, Green, With Seeds or Seedless
Grapes are high in sugar, and should not be included as part of your guinea pig’s daily diet. Guinea pigs love grapes, although it may take some coaxing if your cavy has never had it before. You can try peeling off the skin or puncturing it so the guinea pig can get a taste of the juice before eating the grape. You can also cut the grapes in half if you are giving them to your cavy for the first time. Cut-up grapes will also be easier for baby … [Read more...] about Can Guinea Pigs Eat Grapes? Red, Green, With Seeds or Seedless
Foal Training Tips
The training of a horse starts at the beginning with the foal. Handling begins as early as possible. Believers of this method of handling foals from birth use the concept of foal imprinting. A foal being imprinted will let a human touch it all over, pick up its feet, and become aware of the human voice. A cute baby horse is called a foal for the first twelve months of his life. The mare carries the foal on average for 335 days. It can be anytime between … [Read more...] about Foal Training Tips
How to Stop Dog Barking at Night
Oh no! Is that dog keeping you up again at night? I know it can be frustrating when my own neighbor’s dog would stay up and howl at the moon all night long. Why do dogs bark at night? What can you do to stop dog barking at night when it gets out of hand? Your dog is up all night yapping over God-knows-what and it’s keeping you awake or running the risk of getting your neighbors on your bad side or? Your neighbor’s dog is at it again barking … [Read more...] about How to Stop Dog Barking at Night
Goldfish Varieties: 16 Types Of Goldfish
Do you love Goldfish? If your answer is yes, then you need not to worry since there are so many varieties of Goldfish for sale. Goldfish are extremely appealing, and this is a fact. This is due to the fact that their appearance, even if not particularly colorful, can really draw a person's attention. When people talk about goldfish, they usually refer to fish that are gold in color. In some ways, they are correct, as there are Goldfish that are gold … [Read more...] about Goldfish Varieties: 16 Types Of Goldfish
Burmese Cat Facts
Burmese cats are a popular breed of pet cat, both in the UK and America, but the American Burmese has a few distinct differences to the British Burmese due to different breeding programs and the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy in Britain recognises several more color than the American Cat Fanciers Association. Burmese Cat Breed Information The name “Burmese” means fortunate, beautiful, and splendid in the Thai language, and is a very apt … [Read more...] about Burmese Cat Facts
How to Groom a Horse
A horse needs daily grooming. When you decide to perform this task for your hooved pets, you should allow about 45 minutes to an hour to complete it. You'll need a few grooming products in order to do the job well. A rubber curry comb, a body brush, a dandy brush, a hoof pick with an optional brush, a mane comb, a clean sponge, and a towel or rag. You might also want to use a mane and tail conditioner. Begin by tying your horse securely, using a … [Read more...] about How to Groom a Horse
How To Teach A Dog To Fetch in 9 Steps
To teach a dog to play fetch is not rocket science but it does take a bit of free time and effort on the owner's end. Some dogs fetch by instinct while others need a little bit of training, but once they've gotten a taste for this interactive, fun game of throwing and retrieving, they will continuously indulge in such prey-carrying-like behavior. Playing fetch provides your furbaby with great mental stimulation and healthy physical exercise while … [Read more...] about How To Teach A Dog To Fetch in 9 Steps
How to Stop Dog Growling
Before we address the issue of how to stop dog growling, it is important for you to understand why does a dog growl? It is in the roots of your dog. Your pet dog is descendants from wild wolves. Yes, even your little sweet chihuahua has a wolf inside of her. Through time and evolution, wolves have adapted to live along side man. Why Is My Dog Growling? Wolves were the first animals to be domesticated by humans. Your pet pooch has the natural … [Read more...] about How to Stop Dog Growling
Very Cute and Adorable Stuffed Plush Toys for Your Dog
Every dog needs a soft, plush dog toy! A cozy new toy will give your pet hours of companionship and soft comfort. Like a toddler’s security blanket in sweet doggie form, your pet will fall in love with a new plush dog toy! There are so many wonderful styles of soft dog toys. Different styles of plush dog toys provide your pet with benefits for every stage of their life. Puppies will love the teething exercises that are fundamental for proper … [Read more...] about Very Cute and Adorable Stuffed Plush Toys for Your Dog
Young Horse Training Tips
If you like horses then one of the most exciting experiences you can have is to train a young horse. If you are going to train a young horse, you need to have consistency, patience and tenacity. Regularly a horse owner isn’t aware that they need to work with both the mare and foal for young horse training to be successful and typically just focus on training the foal. But, it is vital that you don’t forget the mare when training the foal because they … [Read more...] about Young Horse Training Tips
Horse Worms – What Every Horse Owner Should Know
There are many types of parasitic worms that can find a home in a horse's body. These worms can be harmful to the horse and make feeding and walking in the pasture a very miserable and a difficult experience. If a horse has too many worms in its body, it could die. De-worming a horse once a year is recommended to ensure that worms will not survive to multiply and take over the horse's body. Ask a veterinarian which medications the best for preventive … [Read more...] about Horse Worms – What Every Horse Owner Should Know
Common Guinea Pig Health Problems
Guinea pigs are wonderful pets, but if there is a negative aspect to owning cavies, it’s their health. They are fragile creatures and more prone to illness then other domestic animals. As owners, we need to be aware of common ailments so that we can quickly get our pets the proper care and ensure they live a long and happy life. Here are some of the more common symptoms your guinea pig might exhibit. Wheezing or Labored Breathing If you cavy is … [Read more...] about Common Guinea Pig Health Problems
Mouthing, Biting and Nipping in Puppies
Mouthing, biting and nipping is a natural canine behavior that develops when a puppy plays with his mom and littermates. Because he has no hands, he learns to use his mouth to wrestle and play. When he nipped too hard, his fellow playmates let him know with a sharp yelp or cry, and puppy would normally back off. While it may be acceptable within the ranks of a litter, mouthing and biting is NOT an acceptable form of play with people. Puppy teeth are … [Read more...] about Mouthing, Biting and Nipping in Puppies
Horse Names – 270+ Names For Your Unique Horse
Whether you are thinking of getting or have already got yourself a lovely horse, you will have various things on your to-do list. You will have to learn how to properly care for it, know the number of times it should be fed or taken for exercise in one day or how to give it proper grooming. However, those are certainly not the first problem to tackle, because deciding your horse’s name is! As with any other pets, naming is often a difficult task as … [Read more...] about Horse Names – 270+ Names For Your Unique Horse
Arabian Horse Facts, Colors, Temperament
The Arabian horse is probably one of the most recognized and famous breeds of horse in the world. This is due to a number of factors including its extreme beauty, high intelligence and the fact that it is considered to be one of the oldest breeds in the world. The Arabian horse is a noble warm-blooded animal, which derives its origin from the original form of the Tarpan. Arabian Horse Origin The name alone says that his homeland is Arabia. The … [Read more...] about Arabian Horse Facts, Colors, Temperament
American Quarter Horse Breed Information
The American Quarter Horse, also known as the Quarter Horse, has gained world-wide recognition and respect for being one of the best, if not the absolute standard-setting, short distance racing horses in the world. In the United States, this breed, which has been known to reach speeds in excess of 55 miles per hour, is the most popular and in great demand. American Quarter Horse The Quarter Horse is a breed from the United States that is best known … [Read more...] about American Quarter Horse Breed Information
How long do Horses live?
How long does a Horse live? Many factors contribute to the lifespan of a Horse. Good nutrition is necessary for a Horse (or any living creature) to live a long healthy life. When nutrition is lacking the Horse is more vulnerable to disease and slower to heal if injured. How Long Does A Horse Live In The Wild The lifespan of a Horse in the wild is about 19 years. Domestic Horses usually live quite a bit longer. How Long Does A Horse Live In … [Read more...] about How long do Horses live?
Why Is My Dog Vomiting Undigested Food? Causes and Treatment
There’s nothing more frustrating as a dog owner than to have a sick dog throwing up. So, why are dogs throwing up undigested food? This has always been a question that all dog owners have asked themselves at one time or another, simply due to the fact the vomiting is a frequent occurrence with dogs and readily dismissed as being normal in nature. Why Do Dogs Throw Up It is not considered a disease in itself, and just like with humans, vomiting is namely … [Read more...] about Why Is My Dog Vomiting Undigested Food? Causes and Treatment
Breeds of Horses
There are many breeds of horses, and for centuries on end horse breeders have selectively chosen the best specimens to fulfill a variety of important human needs. From the endurance of Arabian horses to the speed of the thoroughbred to the sturdiness of the pony, horses have been serving mankind for nearly as long as humans have existed. The Major Horse Breeds: American Saddlebred Morgan Horses Andalusian Horses Mustangs Appaloosa … [Read more...] about Breeds of Horses
Facts About Horses
Horses have been an important part of human history for ages, and documented horse facts depict how their presence has assisted mankind in advancing progress. Some of the most interesting facts about horses lie in the way they have helped man to carve the history of the world. Often seen calmly grazing in fields, it is amazing to think of how these docile creatures have made a vast difference in the world. Fossils dating back millions of years … [Read more...] about Facts About Horses
Best Dogs For Kids
Kids and dogs have always gotten along well. The main reason why kids get along so well with dogs is that their natures are very similar, both kids and dogs tend to be free spirited and loving, energetic and trust worthy. When it comes to choosing the best dogs for kids, one must consider various aspects that would influence the relationship that the kids will share with the pooch. It is not just the breed of dog that is important but also other factors … [Read more...] about Best Dogs For Kids
Lop Rabbit – A Popular Rabbit Breed
While any rabbit is a cute pet, lop rabbit breeds rank among some of the most popular rabbit types and for good reason. Incredibly cute, cuddly and sweet dispositions all add up to make lop eared rabbit breeds desirable pets, while their intrinsic attractive appearance make them great show animals. Perhaps the most distinctive feature on lop eared rabbits, are the large ears. They are thick and wide and they flop along side of the head area. Out of all … [Read more...] about Lop Rabbit – A Popular Rabbit Breed
Egyptian Mau Cat
The Egyptian Mau is the only naturally spotted domestic cat. Many owners/Egyptian Mau breeders say that Maus is smarter than other domesticated cats. The Egyptian Mau is recognized by the CFA in 3 different colors. These colors consist of silver, smoke, and bronze. When in a good mood, they are known to make a "chortle" sound. Egyptian Mau Cat Temperament The Egyptian Mau Cat is for me one of the most beautiful, lovable and characterful cat breeds! … [Read more...] about Egyptian Mau Cat
The Best Guard Dogs
Dogs make wonderful companions. They unreservedly love and they will constantly follow their owners everywhere they go. Having a dog at home has many uses. They add life to your home and love you unconditionally. Dogs have other uses too; one of them is to be guard dogs. Dogs are extremely loyal and will protect you and your family in case of any potential danger. Dogs are basically of two types - watch dogs and guard dogs. Before you get a dog, … [Read more...] about The Best Guard Dogs
15 Best Dogs For First Time Dog Owners
There are hundreds of different dog breeds out there, and most will make a great dog for a first-time owner. However there are few breeds that are ideal for first time dog owners, and will make the experience of owning a dog an easy and joyful one. Best First Dog So you’ve been doing a bit of thinking and you’ve decided to get a dog. You’re excited but at the same time a little scared as you have never owned a dog before. It’s only natural to be a little … [Read more...] about 15 Best Dogs For First Time Dog Owners
How To Avoid A Cat Bite
Cat Biting is a problem that cat owners may face at some point. It is very important to deal with this problem immediately. The reasons for cat biting can be many. One of the common reasons of cat biting is fear. Find out if your cat is afraid of something, or if it is being irritated by something or someone. Cat biting while playing is natural and so you need to be careful as this is when the cat releases the energy. However if your kitty is biting you … [Read more...] about How To Avoid A Cat Bite
Signs Of Parvo in Puppies
Puppies, and older adult dogs alike are the most vulnerable to viruses and Canine parvovirus is one the deadliest. What is Parvo? Parvovirus in puppies, scientifically known as Parvo or CPV-2, is a highly contagious and very serious viral disease that can be deadly even if treatment is given. Canine parvovirus is a disease that attacks dividing cells, and has two main forms; the cardiac form and the intestinal form. The most prominent location for … [Read more...] about Signs Of Parvo in Puppies