Would you know what to do if your dog eats chocolate? There is a chemical naturally occurring in chocolate that is seriously poisonous to dogs. What To Do If a Dog Eats Chocolate If you suspect that your dog has been given chocolate, you will have to know what to do immediately. Why Chocolate is Bad for Dogs Chocolate is highly toxic to dogs. The cocoa bean contains theobromine and caffeine both of which can cause sudden doggy death. Caffeine … [Read more...] about What To Do If Your Dog Eats Chocolate
Guinea Pig Behaviour: Popcorning
It was the second week of owning guinea pigs. Our herd was just a duo back then! We were putting food in the cage when we noticed one of your guinea pigs behaving oddly. He was trying to eat his veggies but kept having an uncontrollable hop in the air. We didn't have any idea why; in fact, we thought he might be ill! We raced to Google to search for why guinea pigs would jump, seemingly uncontrollably. And there was the answer : he … [Read more...] about Guinea Pig Behaviour: Popcorning
Holistic Puppy Food
Holistic dog food isn’t just important as your puppy grows but also once they’re mature. You want your dog to live a long, happy life so you care about the food they eat. Holistic puppy food isn’t just some fancy name a brand gives its pet food. The best holistic puppy food is actually made from human-grade ingredients with no chemicals and less processing for food that is easier to digest. Food that is easier for your puppy to digest in turn … [Read more...] about Holistic Puppy Food
Turkish Angora
Turkish Angora cats are ancient domesticated cats which are preferred by many people. People loved this type of cat because of its very long silky smooth cover coat. The interesting fact about the Turkish Angora cat is that they are the oldest type of Angora species. Turkish Angora History The Turkish Angora has only been in the United States for only four decades. Because of its increasing popularity they were able to participated in … [Read more...] about Turkish Angora
Good Puppy Care | How to Make Sure You Start Right
Good puppy care doesn't just happen. It takes a planned approach. The recommendations below will help you give your puppy everything that's vital to her health and to having a long, happy relationship together. It's been said that the most important part of caring for your puppy is making sure the owner is trained properly. There's some truth to this. It's no use expecting a puppy to learn consistent behavior if her owner is inconsistent. Puppies, … [Read more...] about Good Puppy Care | How to Make Sure You Start Right
What Type of Rabbit is the Best
Male vs Female Rabbits… Naturally as with any animal there are good and bad points for owning each gender. Female Rabbits Around 5/6 months of age females Rabbits can be a very difficult to deal with or control as their hormones kick in and the urge to nest and breed becomes overwhelming. Signs of this include: Becoming territorial not letting anyone near the cage for feeding or cleaning. You may have trouble handling them. They also … [Read more...] about What Type of Rabbit is the Best
Is Your Dog Losing Hair
If you have a dog pet, you probably know that dog hair loss is a common problem for most dog breeds. However, sometimes it is quite normal for dogs to lose some of their hair. In case you can see the dog's bare skin in the places where he has lost hair, something is definitely wrong with the dog's health. It is not time to panic, but you should treat the problem seriously and consult the veterinarian immediately once you notice bald … [Read more...] about Is Your Dog Losing Hair
Poisonous Plants For Dogs
Animals can get into a lot of things while walking out in the woods, dogs especially. Our pets are some of the most important things in our lives, keeping them safe is very important. So staying informed on poisonous plants for dogs is a very good idea before taking your 4 legged friend on a camping trip or into anyplace where these may grow. Most dogs, love a romp around outside, especially in the open spaces of the countryside, and probably the … [Read more...] about Poisonous Plants For Dogs
How to Clicker Train a Rabbit
Many people don't know this, but rabbits are trainable animals. Make sure to bond and get your rabbit to trust you before you start training. The most important piece of training equipment is a clicker. A clicker doesn't command the rabbit to do anything, it just lets the rabbit know that the behavior that he is doing is good and he gets a treat. Follow the tricks in the order I put them in. If you do an hour of rabbit training, a day, your … [Read more...] about How to Clicker Train a Rabbit
Hookworms In Dogs
Hookworms are defined as parasitic organisms that feed off a host in order to survive. Hookworms are internal parasites, which mean they grow, mature, and live inside a dog's body. What are Hookworms? We all love our pet dogs, and want the best for them. However, it is not possible to watch them 24 hours a day, and we definitely can’t keep an eye on what every is doing. So occasionally our beloved pet may pick up a parasite. Parasites in dogs … [Read more...] about Hookworms In Dogs
Constipation in Cats
Does your cat feces look like small brown pellets? Does your cat appear to be straining when trying to poop? Is her abdomen distended and tense? Is she not pooping regularly? If this is the case, your cat is more than likely suffering from cat constipation. There are other symptoms of constipation in cats. For example, your cat may be showing a loss of appetite or crouching and straining for prolonged periods of time in her litter tray … [Read more...] about Constipation in Cats
Dog Ear Infection Symptoms and Treatment
The infection caused in the dog's ear due to over growth of the bacteria or yeast is known as Dog's ear infection. The dog ear actually consists of three layers, the inner layer, the middle layer and the outer layer. The layers of the ear in the dog have a balance of the yeast and the bacteria. When this balance gets disturbed, there is an infection in the dog's ear. If the infection in the dog is in the outer ear, it is known, as "Otitis … [Read more...] about Dog Ear Infection Symptoms and Treatment
Rabbit Litter and Litter Box Training
When you first bring your rabbit home allow a couple of days for them to get used to their cage and accustomed to their surrounds. This will also give you an opportunity to see where they decide to go to the toilet so you are able to set up their litter box in a spot of their choosing. Allowing your rabbit to run unsupervised is not a good idea, especially when they are new to your home. Remember to keep your eye on your rabbit for all out of … [Read more...] about Rabbit Litter and Litter Box Training
How Long Do Puppies Grow?
We often ask when our puppies will be fully grown in the hopes of estimating when our beloved puppies have reached the summit of their growth ceiling. In general, smaller breeds tend to reach their growth apex after a year while the larger varieties climax after their second year post-birth. How Puppies Grow It does vary from breed to breed, and from puppy to puppy. Herding dogs such as the Border Collie, do not appear to behave like grown up dogs … [Read more...] about How Long Do Puppies Grow?
Non Shedding Dogs
Dogs or other pets usually complete the family picture for some people. There are so many types of cute dogs around that it becomes difficult to choose one. For those who are allergic to dog hairs, but still love dogs and want to keep one, the best solution is to go for non shedding dogs. Every dog needs some kind of grooming or may be more than that. In a Dog's coat there are 2 kinds of hair, one is the outer coat and second is the inner coat. The … [Read more...] about Non Shedding Dogs
Hamsters and Children
Have you ever considered getting a pet Hamster for your kid? Maybe you are unsure of the suitability of Hamsters as pets for child. Hamsters are incredibly cute and super cuddly, and make great first pets for both children and adults because they are inexpensive to maintain and quite easy to take care of! However that said, as with any pet, keeping a Hamster requires a commitment and responsibility from the owner during its entire life-span, which … [Read more...] about Hamsters and Children
Sphynx Cats
The Sphynx Cat is a very inquisitive, intelligent and playful cat. Sphynx also have a very unique appearance in that they appear hairless--but in reality, the Sphynx actually has different degrees of hairlessness. Some are completely bald while others have various levels of fuzz or peachy down. Some Sphynx, as they get older, may get a little fuzzy as well. Sphynx also come in a variety of colors such as red (orange), black, blue (gray), tortie, and … [Read more...] about Sphynx Cats
Hairless Cat
Why be a “Me too” and get a cat that looks like the cat everyone else has? Hairless Cats tend to be friendly, playful, and sociable. They love to snuggle more often because they get cold easier than other cats. This tends to create a closer bond between the lucky owner and kitty. They enjoy crawling under the warm covers to sleep with Mom and Dad. Main Hairless Cats Breeds: Sphynx Cat Bambino Cat Peterbald Cats Ukrainian Levkoy … [Read more...] about Hairless Cat
Hot Spots on Dogs
Hot spots are a common skin disease in dogs. It usually happens during the warm months of the year. It has various causes. A hot spot is an infected area of the skin with inflammation. It may be a light infection or a deep one. Whatever kind it may be, it's necessary to get the treatment done. Hot spots are also known as dermatitis. Hot spots are caused by too much of licking, scratching and biting. Symptoms of a hot spot include pus like oozing, … [Read more...] about Hot Spots on Dogs
Interactive Dog Toys
Each dog we share our lives with is unique, with their own personality and temperament and , of course, each dog has its own interests and preferences in games and toys. Interactive dog toys are always made of harmless and strong materials. Interactive dog toys can be used not only for playing, but also as a sports equipment to keep your pet in a good physical condition. How To Choose The Best Interactive Toy For Your Dog Due to the growing … [Read more...] about Interactive Dog Toys
Roborovski Hamster
Should you decide to take on a Roborovski Hamster as a pet, you should know that they are the smallest and fastest breed of hamsters. The Roborovski Hamster (Phodopus roborovskii) is sometimes referred to as the Desert Hamster or shortened to Robo or Robs Hamsters. But either way it is the smallest of all the Dwarf Hamsters. Roborovski Hamster Size On average, Roborovski Hamsters can measure anywhere between 4 and 5 centimeters in length. Roborovski … [Read more...] about Roborovski Hamster
What You Need To Know About Dog Bones
Bones have always been extremely interesting for dogs, they chew them, play with them and do a host of things with them. So making dog bones available to your dog is a sure way to please your dog any day. What Are the Safest Chew Bones for Dogs Though dog bones are loved by dogs, it’s every dog owner’s responsibility to make sure they are good enough or safe enough for them. Because bones can splinter and harm your dog you must be careful the … [Read more...] about What You Need To Know About Dog Bones
Maine Coon Cat Facts
Maine Coon cat is good by nature, lively and just a wonderful pet. Maine Coons are one of the largest representatives of the family of domestic cats. They are extremely hardy, strong and very beautiful. Any large animal species is characterized by slow development, Maine Coons are no exception. Representatives of the species reach puberty only by 4-5 years of life. Moreover, the males are very large! The females are slightly smaller in size. Maine … [Read more...] about Maine Coon Cat Facts
Diarrhea In Dogs
Most people aren’t aware of it but diarrhea is almost as common in Dogs as it is in humans. Although Dogs generally have stronger stomach acids that allow them a greater degree of protection against parasites and bacteria, they are not immune to them entirely. The good news is that most cases of canine diarrhea will clear up on their own even without medication or treatment, although persistent or long lasting episodes of diarrhea should be brought … [Read more...] about Diarrhea In Dogs
14 Facts About Winter White Dwarf Hamster
Having a Winter White Hamster can be a rewarding and fun experience. Here are 14 Winter White Dwarf Hamster facts to begin with. Winter White Dwarf Hamster Facts Hamsters come in more varieties than you can imagine and have two distinct sizes. Dwarf Hamsters stop growing at only four inches long, hence the name. They are cute, furry little creatures that live primarily in a pack. The Russian Dwarf Hamster is known by several different species. They … [Read more...] about 14 Facts About Winter White Dwarf Hamster
Abyssinian Cat Guide
The cat lover who wants a companion who is the epitome of the feline species can not make a better choice than an Abyssinian. A sleek, elegant mini-cougar with: Magnificent alert ears Sculptured exotic face Radiant royal dignity Regal beauty A mischievous twinkle in his eye About Abyssinian Cat The Abyssinian cat has a mysterious history that makes it a very interesting breed as it's origins ore not entirely certain. As of late the … [Read more...] about Abyssinian Cat Guide
What Do Rabbits Eat?
Many health problems in rabbits can be avoided through an appropriate diet. Rabbits have a somewhat complicated digestive system that requires food that is adapted to it. Rabbits are strict herbivores. The right diet is important to keep your rabbit healthy and cheerful. And with all the misconception surrounding rabbit eating habits the right diet becomes a matter of life and death for the rabbit! Feeding Rabbits Properly Note that regular food … [Read more...] about What Do Rabbits Eat?
All You Need to Know About Macaws Parrots
Macaws are beautiful birds that can be wonderful companion parrots. It is hard to resist these comical, colorful parrots that are simply full of personality. They have been kept as companions for centuries. In the United States, it is documented that Pueblo Indians have these prized parrot as far back as 1100 A.D. Is a Macaw Parrot the Right Pet for You If you are considering adding a Macaw to your live, keep in mind this is a really big decision. … [Read more...] about All You Need to Know About Macaws Parrots
Why Do Cats Purr?
The cat is a pet treasured for its independent and slightly aloof nature. Unlike with dogs, humans have to earn the affection and loyalty of their feline companions. Perhaps that is why having a cat curled up nearby, purring contentedly, is such a rewarding moment for those who love them. But have you ever asked yourself, "Why do cats purr?" Many have wondered, but if cats know the answer they aren't going to tell us any time soon. This has prompted … [Read more...] about Why Do Cats Purr?
Why do Dogs Eat Grass? Reasons and Prevention
How many times you have found your dog eating grass, a bit worried and perhaps confused too? Most dog owners must have seen their dog eating grass at least once in their life time. Not just that you might have also heard retching noise followed by vomiting. However, should you be really worried about it? The answer is a big no. A Common Disorder - Pica The technical term for this type of disorder in which a dog eats grass is pica, and this is what … [Read more...] about Why do Dogs Eat Grass? Reasons and Prevention
How To Know Is Your Hamster Pregnant?
Upon determining that your hamster is pregnant, or if you have suspicions that your hamster is pregnant, there are certain preparation that you can begin to make immediately that may prove beneficial in the coming weeks. If you take nothing else from this guide, please remember that the benefits of human intervention (handling, photographing, cage cleaning or otherwise disturbing) rarely outweigh the risks. Aside from providing fresh food and water, … [Read more...] about How To Know Is Your Hamster Pregnant?
How to Check if Your Guinea Pig Healthy
Wondering if your guinea pig is healthy? Use the guide below to perform an examination of your guinea pig as often as possible, ideally each day. It doesn’t take long once you get into the routine of what to look for, and after all it’s important to always be in sync with your new pet. Over time you'll get better and better at noticing any irregularities in their behavioral and eating patterns, so don’t worry if you aren’t the best at the outset. The … [Read more...] about How to Check if Your Guinea Pig Healthy
Why is My Cat Sneezing?
The occasional cat sneezing is not uncommon or abnormal. Cats sneeze just like humans do as a way of releasing irritants from their nasal passages. If your sneezing cat does not stop sneezing though, it may be a sign that it’s time to take your cat to the vet. Causes of Cat Sneezing If you respond in a timely fashion, a cat sneezing is not a big health problem in virtually all cases. Here are some of the causes of sneezing and suggested actions to … [Read more...] about Why is My Cat Sneezing?
Stop Parrot Screaming
Bad Parrot Behavior Have you ever been awaken by your Parrot screaming early in the morning? Does your Parrot scream when you leave the room, come home from work or scream for what seems, "just the fun of it"? Why do Parrots scream and what can be done about bad Parrot behavior? Parrot training is essential to help Stop a Screaming Parrot. Remember, Parrots are social creatures and vocalization is normal for all birds because that's their primary way … [Read more...] about Stop Parrot Screaming
Tips on How to Get Rid of Your Dog Bad Breath
We all know what bad breath is when we smell it. Bad breath also known as halitosis is a build up of bacteria found in your dog’s mouth, stomach, lungs, and insides. Halitosis can also be a sign of other serious diseases. Dogs are not known to have the sweetest breath. If their breath becomes unusually offensive then you just might have to take extra steps to dog bad breath cures. Importance of Distinguishing Dog’s Bad Breath Don’t ignore dog bad … [Read more...] about Tips on How to Get Rid of Your Dog Bad Breath
Guinea Pig Grooming
Sure, Guinea Pigs are easier to take care of as compared to bigger pets. Especially when it comes to guinea pig grooming. But this doesn’t mean that they are completely self-sufficient animals! In fact, I believe that Guinea Pigs should come with a tag that say 'Don't buy me if you won't take good care of me'. Guinea Pigs aren't toys. Neither are they playthings for young children. Their health and appearance must be nourish to regularly in order that … [Read more...] about Guinea Pig Grooming
Real Christmas Trees and Dogs: What You Need to Know
If you have a dog at home a real Christmas tree may not be the best idea for your home but there are things you can do to keep your pup safe this holiday season even with a real Christmas tree. Here are some important tips to know when it comes to having a real Christmas tree and a dog in your home. Pick the Right Location for Your Tree You want to choose a location for your tree were it can’t easily be knocked over by the dog. Choose a place that … [Read more...] about Real Christmas Trees and Dogs: What You Need to Know
How to Cat Proof Your Christmas Tree
Why To Cat-Proof Your Christmas Tree? A beautiful Christmas tree lit up with decorations and surrounded by presents is one of the most iconic images of the holiday. However, a tree in the home can present an irresistible temptation to cats who only see a new post to climb, scratch, and taste. Cat owners don’t necessarily have to forego their Christmas decorations, but they do have to be careful. A proper cat Christmas must keep feline safety in mind – … [Read more...] about How to Cat Proof Your Christmas Tree
Solutions for Cat Bad Breath
Cat Bad Breath Problems Feline halitosis simply means bad breath in cats. There is a bad smell coming from their mouth. This smell is mainly due to a number of bad breath causes that you as pet owners should be concerned of. Avoid expensive medical bills and stressful worries by caring for your cat’s oral hygiene. Don’t forget an old adage, prevention is better than cure. What is Bad Breath Just like humans, cats develop bad breath at some point … [Read more...] about Solutions for Cat Bad Breath
What Does a Goldfish Eat?
Proper filtration and a good feed are all that it takes for your beautiful Goldfish to stay healthy and happy. Now the important question is what to feed your Goldfish. Goldfish require a good amount of protein, along with minerals and vitamins in their diet. The fat content should be less. Today you have a wide variety of formulated goldfish food available, such as TetraFin Goldfish Flakes, Wardley Goldfish Pellets, Wardley Total Goldfish. You get them … [Read more...] about What Does a Goldfish Eat?