If you are thinking about getting an unusual looking hamster, consider an Albino hamster. The word Albino means that the animal is completely white and the eyes are red. But these types of hamsters can also come in different sizes and have different fur lengths. For example, you can purchase a dwarf sized Albino hamster and an angora golden hamster is known for having long soft hair. Hamster the Best Small Pet for a Child Hamsters make great … [Read more...] about The Albino Hamster – What You Need To Know Before You Buy!
Can Hamsters Eat Blueberries?
When it comes to feeding, there are a few matters that are definitely worth mentioning in order to keep your hamster healthy. Especially when you want to treat your hamster with something new like blueberries. So, let's see can hamsters eat blueberries? Sure, we all melt away when we see a tiny hamster storing a lot of food in the cheek pockets, even though he has plenty of food everywhere. But it's important to know exactly what to feed them and … [Read more...] about Can Hamsters Eat Blueberries?
Top 10 Automatic Dog Feeder
In today’s day and age, both adults in the family have to work, which leave pets home alone most of the time. Having to get up early enough to get ready for work, get other family members out the door, and feeding your pet can be a juggling act. Some people are turning to an automatic dog feeder to feed their pets the proper portions as well as keep them satisfied and happy. Automatic Dog Feeders give you a worry-free solution to pet owners who … [Read more...] about Top 10 Automatic Dog Feeder
Interesting Dog Facts for Kids and Adults
Dogs truly are man`s best friend, throughout history canines have played an important role and have a truly unique relationship with man. Dogs have protected campsites, guarded flocks, assisted in hunts and pulled loads. Man And Dog: How It All Began To this day there are questions about who made the decision of domesticating wolves to create the obedient canine. Some say that our ancestors actively made the choice and others argue that the … [Read more...] about Interesting Dog Facts for Kids and Adults
Important Steps on How To Buy Dog Food
How to buy dog food is a real challenging project when you go to the store and notice how many different brands are on the shelf to choose from. There are different flavors, many size selections, a variety of price ranges and of course there is a high difference in the ingredients from each manufacturer. So lets see how much you know about whether your dog has problems with the food they eat or not! These are not temporary problems but I will … [Read more...] about Important Steps on How To Buy Dog Food
Importance of Exercise for Guinea Pigs
To raise healthy guinea pigs, diet, hygiene, love and exercise all have their part to play. Exercise for guinea pigs is something that is easily overlooked because guinea pigs are small and don't seem to need as much exercise as other pets like dogs for instance. Many families who have guinea pigs live in small apartments, so it can be a challenge to find a suitable space where we can let our pets roam freely. If your goal is to encourage your guinea … [Read more...] about Importance of Exercise for Guinea Pigs
What Can Hamsters Eat? Hamsters Food Guide
So you have brought home your new hamster and now you want to know what can hamsters eat? Well, that is a good question. Actually, it is a very good sign that you are a responsible pet owner because you are taking the time to check to see what is safe for your hamster to eat. That is the question all new hamster owners ask themselves as they are purchasing their new pet. We know you want to provide the best diet for your hamster, and that … [Read more...] about What Can Hamsters Eat? Hamsters Food Guide
Detecting Skin Problems in Dogs
Like people, dogs suffer from a range of ailments that require attention and care. While skin problems in dogs are sometimes caused by neglect they are also often difficult to prevent, and in some cases the cause may remain unknown until skin irritation develops. Pet owners should be aware of a variety of culprits that cause skin problems in dogs in order to be best prepared to deal with this issue. Sometimes dog skin conditions or infections can … [Read more...] about Detecting Skin Problems in Dogs
8 Best KONG Dog Toys
All dogs love and need to play for physical activity and for mental development. But most of the dog owners can not give enough attention to their pets each day as they spend a lot of time at work. So dog can feel lonely, isolated and bored. Boredom is the cause of many dog behavior problems, as the dog seeks an outlet to relieve its frustration and lack of attention. As a result, returning home one day, you can find teeth marks on your favorite pair of … [Read more...] about 8 Best KONG Dog Toys
Persian Cat Colors and Patterns
The Persian breed is the most popular breed of cat these days. Persian cats come in almost every color and pattern imaginable. There's a color for every person's taste. Persian Cat Colors and Pattern Divisions In CFA, the Persian is broken into 7 divisions based on color patterns. However, it is unfortunate that the Persian cat color's popularity is declining since 2004. Solid Color Division Silver and Golden Division Shaded and … [Read more...] about Persian Cat Colors and Patterns
The Answers to Your Puppy Behavior Problems!
There are some things every person should think about before getting a puppy. One of them is the puppy behavior problems that come along with getting a new puppy. Yes, puppies are cute, sweet and adorable but there will be behavior issues that will come up that won’t seem anything but cute. Got a New Puppy? Prevent Future Problems and Train Your Puppy Good Behaviors Here are some puppy behavior problems to expect as a new dog owner: Establishing Alpha … [Read more...] about The Answers to Your Puppy Behavior Problems!
What to Look for when Adopting or Buying Guinea Pigs
When looking at different guinea pig breeds to buy or you are seeking guinea pigs for adoption, then you must ideally choose the healthy ones to take home with you. If you already own a cage full of cavies and you notice one or more of these signs on any of them, then have your pets treated right away. Cavies are prone to many diseases. An untreated infection can kill them easily. It is inhumane to simply let them to perish because of lack of … [Read more...] about What to Look for when Adopting or Buying Guinea Pigs
How to Choose a Healthy Goldfish
A lot of goldfish diseases can be completely prevented if you take the time to pick out healthy stock in the first place. However, that can be a difficult task in itself if you haven’t been keeping Goldies for very long – especially if you’re trying to sort through a tank that has a couple dozen Oranda Goldfish in it. What to Look for Before Buying any Type of Goldfish There’s a lot more to check than simply making sure it’s swimming! Examine the … [Read more...] about How to Choose a Healthy Goldfish
Why You Need a Cat Scratching Post
Some people don’t find cat scratching post to be essential things — until they see their untidy sofa or ravaged bedside, that is! Cats have a tendency to scratch. Cats scratch when they stretch, to mark their territory (there are scent glands in their paws), to expend energy or remove the outer layer of their nail which is a normal occurrence. These pets are fond of scratching conspicuous objects, so it is not surprising to see claw marks on your … [Read more...] about Why You Need a Cat Scratching Post
Dog Aggression Problems are Not Difficult to Solve
Dogs are man’s best friend, the most adorable and loving pet you can have, that is unless they are aggressive and mean. If you are an owner of an aggressive dog, then you have a lot to deal with, and you need to know that this is something that can be prevented. You need to know about your dogs growth periods and what the major influences are in his development which can cause aggressive behavior. Some of the major factors in aggression in dogs are … [Read more...] about Dog Aggression Problems are Not Difficult to Solve
An In-Depth Guide to Roundworms in Cats
It’s not very uncommon to find roundworms in cats, especially in kittens. When kittens have roundworm infestations, it is usually because the worms have been passed on to them by their mother prior to their birth or following their birth through their mother’s milk. Cats of any age can be infested with roundworms, as can dogs; but these parasites can be particularly hard on kittens. Kittens are much more vulnerable to the problems roundworms can cause … [Read more...] about An In-Depth Guide to Roundworms in Cats
How to Litter Train a Kitten
Most of new cat owners have the same question after the first day with their cutest kitten: How to Litter Train a Kitten? It is instinctual for a kitten to cover up their waste after they are done. It doesn’t matter if they are using a litter box, a sand box, or your potted plant. As long as they have something soft that can bury their waste they will use it. Chances are you would prefer them to use their litter box. Even outdoor cats, which tend do … [Read more...] about How to Litter Train a Kitten
Grooming Your Dog at Home is Safe and Easy
When it comes to your dog’s appearance and health, it’s vitally important you know how to groom a dog. Dog grooming is one essential part of dog ownership. If you’re a dog owner, you probably want to keep your canine friend happy and health. Think of it this way: a well-groomed dog will avoid all kinds of diseases like yeast infection; diseases that can make your dog uncomfortable and constantly wanting to itch. When your dog is well-groomed, … [Read more...] about Grooming Your Dog at Home is Safe and Easy
Hairless Guinea Pigs
While in our opinions the best way to learn about Guinea Pigs is through first hand experience, research is something that you can not overlook, especially when it comes to caring for a hairless guinea pig. Whether you think you know all you need to know about Guinea Pigs or you are just starting out we are going to take the time to provide you with useful knowledge about Guinea Pigs and their special needs. No matter what type of animal you have or … [Read more...] about Hairless Guinea Pigs
Aggressive Cat Behavior
Cats are generally considered to be very independent animals. They can often safely be left to their own devices. However, it is also the case that they can provide their owners with a lot of love and affection. In order to have a good relationship with a pet cat is important to be able to understand cat body language, and to interpret cat behavior. Despite the fact that cats are independent they can also be very territorial about where they live. They … [Read more...] about Aggressive Cat Behavior
Digestive Problems with Kittens
If you own kittens, then you must be worried about their health. Cats can have serious illnesses that can eventually lead to their death. You do not want that to happen. For you to be prepared, you need to know the most common cat ailment like digestive problems and how to prevent and treat them. What to Do About Kitten Constipation Kitten constipation is pretty common, especially among hand-reared kittens and premature kittens. The reason is because … [Read more...] about Digestive Problems with Kittens
Guinea Pigs Body Language, Noises and Sounds
Guinea pig body language and noises help to communicate their many gestures like happiness, sadness, hunger, etc. if understood properly by humans. The Guinea pig sounds can be easily understood if heard carefully because they have a good vocabulary. Some sounds and body language can have more than two meanings so one needs to carefully examine the exact feeling which a Guinea pig wants to convey. A Guinea pig is special specie belonging to the … [Read more...] about Guinea Pigs Body Language, Noises and Sounds
Will Hypoallergenic Dog Food Help Keep My Pet Healthy?
Just like humans, dogs can suffer from allergies. Symptoms in dogs may include gastrointestinal upset, itchy skin (ears, face, feet and underbellies), hot spots, and chronic ear infections. Obviously these symptoms can cause your dog a great deal of discomfort so it’s important to isolate the cause. As a first course of action, your veterinarian may recommended that you switch to a hypoallergenic dog food. Everything You Need To Know about … [Read more...] about Will Hypoallergenic Dog Food Help Keep My Pet Healthy?
What is the Best Kitten Nutrition?
Cats are carnivores and rely on the nutrients, vitamins and minerals contained in animal tissues to ensure that their specific nutritional requirements are met. Cats living in their natural habitat consume prey that is rich in protein and with a moderate amount of fat and low concentrations of carbohydrates. Their bodies are naturally adapted to need fewer carbohydrates and to metabolise protein faster than dogs and other omnivores. Consequently, it’s … [Read more...] about What is the Best Kitten Nutrition?
Common Parrot Behavior
Parrot behavior is the subject of a great deal of study and research. Just as parrots in the wild have a social structure and behaviors that communicate their feelings, desires, and moods, companion parrots use behaviors to communicate their needs to their human flocks. You simply have to learn how to read parrot behavior to “speak parrot”. A large part of a parrot’s behavior has to do with taking care of its physical needs each day. The parrot will … [Read more...] about Common Parrot Behavior
Guinea Pig Cage and the Importance of Getting a Good One
Providing an appropriate guinea pig cage for your pet is one of the best things you can do to show that you are a responsible pet owner. Since guinea pigs spend most of their lives in cages, it will be worth buying a guinea pig cage that is roomy enough for them to move about, to play and to exercise. Besides, it will require a bigger space to contain a nest box, a food dish, a water bottle and some toys. What Kind of Cage is Best for a Guinea … [Read more...] about Guinea Pig Cage and the Importance of Getting a Good One
Understanding Cat Spraying and Marking Behavior
From lions, to the tabby next door, cats possess a certain subtlety and unspoken purpose in everything they do. Marking Behavior in cats is normal behavior and is an important part of "nonverbal" communication between cats, helping to establish and define boundaries and reassure the cat that the area is familiar. Marking of territory involves the spraying of urine and the deposition of other "pheromones" from glands strategically located on your … [Read more...] about Understanding Cat Spraying and Marking Behavior
Guinea Pig Illnesses
The guinea pig, although relatively a healthy animal can get ill and you as a owner should learn about common guinea pig illnesses. When you have a family pet as loving as the guinea pig, it often entails being the family doctor. It is vital for all guinea pig owners to be able to supply and treat their guinea pigs with optimal care. There are many common conditions such as “bumblefoot” to more uncommon conditions such as abortions and … [Read more...] about Guinea Pig Illnesses
How to Properly Give a Dog Bath
An avid and well-to-do pet owner typically never hesitates to spend money buying his beloved dog premium dog food, giving it the best health care and taking his pet to a top-notch doggie day care facility. In addition, this pet owner also knows how giving his dog proper dog baths is vital to keeping his pet in good health. How to Bathe a Dog at Home Before bathing your dog, brush its hair. If you own a short haired dog, brush the hair in a … [Read more...] about How to Properly Give a Dog Bath
How to Teach a Parrot to Talk
Any bird is trainable but you have to remember that its up to you to make sure conditions are optimal for successful training. Bird have needs just like people. You need to make sure you’re feeding them correctly with nutritious food. Make sure they have plenty of fresh water, toys to play with to keep them stimulated and of course a really nice big cage. You would be surprised at how many people get a cage that’s way too small for their bird. Exotic … [Read more...] about How to Teach a Parrot to Talk
Newborn Kitten Care
Taking care of a newborn kitten is not easy. When you bring home your tiny bundle of fur, you should be mentally prepared to love your kitten for its whole life. This will include plenty of time spent training, feeding and grooming your pet, as well as costing you money. But the joy and happiness that a kitten will bring is far beyond any material cost or investment of time. How To Take Care Of A Newborn Kitten With A Mother If you have an adult cat that … [Read more...] about Newborn Kitten Care
Crate Training Your Puppy
Crate Training Puppies Can Be Easy To Do Crate Training a Puppy refers to the process of conditioning a puppy or dog to remain quietly and comfortably in a plastic or metal dog crate. There are significant advantages to applying crate training early in the puppy's life, so that it becomes an inconsequential, totally neutral, and "normal" part of the growing pup's daily life in the home. When properly introduced and positively trained, the puppy crate … [Read more...] about Crate Training Your Puppy
Important Guinea Pig Facts That Every Pet Owner Has To Remember
As cute, cuddly and easily manageable as they are, there are many important Guinea Pig facts out there that every pet owner should pay attention to in order to secure a happy and healthy life for their Guinea Pig. What Are Guinea Pigs? A Guinea Pig is also known as a Cavy. These creatures belong to the family of rodents and alongside hamsters, are a very popular household pet. Because of their gentle demeanor and compact size, they are the perfect … [Read more...] about Important Guinea Pig Facts That Every Pet Owner Has To Remember
How To Groom Your Cat’s Coat
Cats are very simple to groom, using the right grooming tools, especially once they get used to being brushed and combed. This is true regardless of what type of cat you own: short haired cats, medium haired cats, and wire-haired cats. All you have to do is run the comb over their fur and follow through with a grooming glove or slicker brush to create a soft coat that is filled with luster and shine. Grooming Short-haired Cats One huge benefit … [Read more...] about How To Groom Your Cat’s Coat
The Benefits of Grooming Your Dog
As a dog lover you understand how important it is to regularly groom your dog. Short haired, long haired, smooth or wiry, all dogs benefit from regular grooming. Grooming is a great way to bond with your dog and is an important part of looking after their health and wellbeing. Regular grooming ensures that your pet looks good, feels comfortable too and reduces the possibility of skin problems in dog. One of the main benefits of grooming your dog … [Read more...] about The Benefits of Grooming Your Dog
The Best Facts About Rabbits
Rabbits are included in the family of Leporidae, which means a family of mammals. They can be seen in the woodland, grasslands, meadows and wetlands, and they also live as a group. The European rabbit lives in subterranean burrows or perhaps a rabbit hole. In the United States, we could actually locate one half of the planets rabbit populace. The male rabbit is regarded as being a buck, and doe for the female. Similar to cats, the younger … [Read more...] about The Best Facts About Rabbits
Ways to Keep Your New Puppy Happy and Healthy
Raising a new puppy can be a very fun and rewarding experience. It can also be challenging, as puppies require lots of attention, patience, and love. There are many ways to keep your new puppy happy and healthy, all of which are very important. Clean and Safe Surroundings When you bring your new puppy home, you will want to make sure he or she has a clean, safe environment to live in. This should include a soft, clean sleeping area free of … [Read more...] about Ways to Keep Your New Puppy Happy and Healthy
Best Parrots For Beginners, Families and Children
Parrots are alert, intelligent animals that make friendly home companions. For the cost of a cage, some toys and a steady supply of bird seed, a parrot owner will be rewarded with decades of exciting daily activity and a loyal friend. Each parrot has its own, distinct personality. Getting to know that personality is one of the best parts of owning a parrot. They will spend most of their time watching you and responding to what you do. After awhile they … [Read more...] about Best Parrots For Beginners, Families and Children
Traveling Internationally with Your Pet
Traveling with your pet can be a great bonding experience; however, you want to ensure that you can enjoy your vacation while also doing everything you can to make sure your dog enjoys the time off as well. Before travelling with dogs, it is important that you take several things into consideration, such as vaccines, medications, age, etc. For those that truly love their dogs like their own children, this is not a problem. A Few Important Tips That … [Read more...] about Traveling Internationally with Your Pet
Dog Clicker Training – How this method can help?
Clicker training is the methodology of train your dog, cat or any other animal pet to behave well in a desired action in any place using a click sound produced by a Clicker. Your pet can be trained to go to the toilet for the desired action, or do some other useful action on your command. It is also possible to hire a dog trainer or train your dog in a dog training school, but training your dog yourself will increase the relationship of your dog … [Read more...] about Dog Clicker Training – How this method can help?